CDC算法给出了一个chunk的大小的最小值.最大值.平均值的界定. Method Using chunk existence information breaking-apart algorithm 将所有内容全部划分为较大的chunk,然后识别新内容的变化区域,然后在这个变化区域的附近重新划分较小的chunk.重复进行数据重删. building-up algorithm 在开始时将chunk的大小初始化为一个较为合适的值,然后组合较小的chunk.通过一个建块算法,查询更多的大块的位置和更…
Data deduplication provides a new approach to store data and eliminate duplicate data in chunk level. A typical data deduplication workflow can be explained like this. File metadata describes how to restore the file use unique chunks. Chunk level ded…
PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to give a quick guide for using RMAN on RAC databases. We will follow this points: 1. Verify the database mode and archive destination.2. Verify connectivity using sqlnet for target and catalog.3. Determine the…
转自: Video for Linux Two API Specification Revision 2.6.32 Michael H Schimek <> Bill Dirks Original author of the V4L2 API and documentation. Hans V…
The present invention relates to the field of security of electronic data and/or communications. In one form, the invention relates to data security and/or privacy in a distributed and/or decentralised network environment. In another form, the invent…
commands : show sys connect sys as sysdba or connect system as sysdba logout or disc clear screen or cle screen (utlsample.sql  —> unlock scott tables.sql  —> all tables data.sql  —> add data into tables) connect scott/tiger start C:\utlsample.sq…
1. PDF概要 1.1. 图像模型 PDF能以平台无关.高效率的方式描叙复杂的文字.图形.排版. PDF 用图像模型来实现设备无关. 图像模型同意应用程序以抽象对象描叙文字.图像.图标.而不是通过详细的像素点. 把描写叙述抽象对象的语言称作"页描写叙述语言". PDF文档中存储都是以"页描写叙述语言"表示的各种抽象对象. 要把PDF文档输出到详细设备上,产生详细像素点,须要有个翻译软件,把抽象对象渲染到详细输出设备上,称这个"翻译软件"为&qu…
1 Protection Profile Introduction   This document defines the security functionality expected to be provided by a general-purpose operating system capable of operating in a networked environment. It also provides a set of assurance components that de…
初步熟悉 安装 pip install pypdf2 合并并添加书签 #!/usr/bin/env python3.5 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Time : 2019/12/1 下午3:42 # @Author : yon # @Email : # @File : import os , os.path from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter import time # imp…
#########################################jenkins部署#################################3 一.jenkins是什么? Jenkins 是一个可扩展的持续集成引擎. 主要用于: l 持续.自动地构建/测试软件项目. l 监控一些定时执行的任务. Jenkins拥有的特性包括: l 易于安装-只要把jenkins.war部署到servlet容器,不需要数据库支持. l 易于配置-所有配置都是通过其提供的web界面实现.…