This article was written about CakePHP 2.x and has been untested with CakePHP 3.x CakePHP seems to get a slightly unfavourable reputation when compared to the likes of Symfony orZend Framework due to its lack of namespaces and not playing nicely with…
CakePHP seems to get a slightly unfavourable reputation when compared to the likes of Symfony or Zend Framework due to its lack of namespaces and not playing nicely with Composer out of the box. However, that will change in the forthcoming version 3;…
Java I/O and NIO.2---Five ways to maximize Java NIO and NIO.2---Build more responsive Java applications with the New Input/Output APIs Java NIO -- the New Input/Output API package-- was introduced with J2SE 1.4 in 2002. Java NIO's purpose was to impr…
Android的Logger日志系统是基于内核中的Logger日志驱动程序实现的. 日志保存在内核空间中 缓冲区保存日志   分类方法:日志的类型  +   日志的输出量   日志类型:   main          sysytem       radio        events   以上四种日志分别通过以下四个设备文件来访问: /dev/log/main /dev/log/system .../radio .../events   Android系统在应用中提供了三个 Java接口,往L…
Microsoft Win32 to Microsoft .NET Framework API Map .NET Development (General) Technical Articles     Microsoft .NET Framework and Microsoft Visual Studio User Education TeamsMicrosoft Corporation January 2004 Applies to:    Microsoft® .NET Framework…
Android开发艺术探索笔记--View(二) View的事件分发机制 学习资料: 1.Understanding Android Input Touch Events System Framework 2.Managing Touch Events in a ViewGroup 3.Android事件传递机制 4.Input Events 5.Mastering the Android Touch System 6.MotionEvent MotionEvent(运动事件)的传递规则 用户每…
在该示例中,插件在Revit启动时弹出事件监控选择界面,供用户设置,也可在添加的Ribbon界面完成设置.当Revit进行相应操作时,弹出窗体会记录事件时间和名称. #region Namespaces using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Windows.Forms; using Autodesk.Revit.ApplicationServices; using Autodesk.Revit.Attribute…
Java NIO -- the New Input/Output API package-- was introduced with J2SE 1.4 in 2002. Java NIO's purpose was to improve the programming of I/O-intensive chores on the Java platform. A decade later, many Java programmers still don't know how to make th…
1.12 CLI 的问题 Docker1.12 命令行接口(CLI)有40多个顶级命令,这些命令存在以下问题: 没有归类组织,这让docker 新手很难学习: 有些命令没有提供足够的上下文环境,以至于我们不知道是在操作image 还是container(eg:docker inspect):这种在 image和 container 之间混合使用的命令让人困惑: 命令的名字缺乏一致性:比如:docker images 是个复数,这个命令用来列出所有的images, 而docker ps 是个单数,…
1.引子 2014年9月13日 20:33 <oracle Applications DBA 基础>介绍Oracle Applications R12的系统架构, 数据库后台及应用系统的基础知识.目标是向一个具有一般UNIX,JAVA, ORACLE知识的OracleDBA 介绍Oracle Applications R12的基础知识,让他/她能够从此 通过独立的研究(Research)去解决新问题,成为一个优秀的OracleEBS DBA. <oracleApplications DB…