Asynchronous calls and remote callbacks using Lingo Spring Remoting As mentioned in my previous blog entry, Lingo is the only Spring Remoting implementation that supports asyn… Lingo (Spring Remoting) : Passing client credentials to the server Spring Remoting allows you to export a service interface which a remote client then then look up. Once the rem…
原文地址: Concept Overview Spring provides four ways to develop remote services. Remote services are services hosted on remote servers and accessed by clients over the network. For examp…
The Task: Events, Asynchronous Calls, Async and Await Almost any software application today will likely contain a long-running process. “Long-running” may be a relative term but in the Windows Runtime it is specifically anything that could take longe…
原文地址: Concept Overview In the earlier articles we saw an introduction to spring remoting and its support for RMI, Hessian and Burlap. In this tutorial we look at one more su…
原文地址: Concept Overview In the earlier tutorials we saw an introduction to Spring remoting and its support for RMI and Hessian. In this tutorial we look at another remoting protoco…
原文地址: Concept Overview The previous tutorial presents an overview of spring remoting and lists down various remoting protocols supported by Spring. In this tutorial we look at Sp…
Spring provides its own implementation of remoting service known as HttpInvoker. It can be used for http request than RMI and works well across the firewall. By the help of HttpInvokerServiceExporter and HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean classes, we can im…
1. Caucho 1.1 概况 spring-remoting代码的情况如下: 本节近分析caucho模块. 1.2 分类 其中以hession为例,Hessian远程服务调用过程: Hessian远程服务调用过程 1.2.1 客户端 BurlapProxyFactoryBean,BurlapClientInterceptor: HessianProxyFactoryBean,HessianClientInterceptor: HessianProxyFactoryBean继承自Hessian…