[Installing Metasploit Framework on CentOS_RHEL 6]在CentOS_RHEL 6上安装Metasploit的框架[翻译] 标记声明:蓝色汉子为翻译上段英文内容,黄色文字为执行命令.英文水平有限,如有疏漏还请指出.文章出处 博客园-初行 All command in the guide need to be ran as root. To switch to root and have all the proper variables run: 在本…
前言 因为某些脚本小子的用Termux搞破坏,所以Termux软件源移除了对Metasploit的支持,所以就不能直接用pkg和apt直接安装了. 但是不用担心,noob-hacker大大写了一个工具,可以直接安装,这里放上官方原话: M-wiz is a bash based script which is officially made for metasploit-framework users of termux from this tool in just one click you…