git internal for computer scientists】的更多相关文章 git object storage仅仅是一个DAG of objects, 有几种类型的对象.他们都被压缩保存并以SHA-1 hash来标示. blob:最简单的对象,仅仅是一堆字节的堆砌.常常它就是一个文件,但是也可以是一个符号链接或者任何其他的东西.指向该blob的对象来指定这个blob的具体语义. tree: 目录由tree object来标示.他们引用相关的包含文件内容的bl…
Git 内部原理 不管你是从前面的章节直接跳到了本章,还是读完了其余各章一直到这,你都将在本章见识 Git 的内部工作原理和实现方式.我个人发现学习这些内容对于理解 Git 的用处和强大是非常重要的,不过也有人认为这些内容对于初学者来说可能难以理解且过于复杂.正因如此我把这部分内容放在最后一章,你在学习过程中可以先阅 读这部分,也可以晚点阅读这部分,这完全取决于你自己. 既然已经读到这了,就让我们开始吧.首先要弄明白一点,从根本上来讲 Git 是一套内容寻址 (content-addressab…
Given the expansive growth in the field, it's become challenging to discern what belongs in a modern computer science degree. My own faculty is engaging in this debate, so I've coalesced my thoughts as an answer to the question, "What should every co…
    WTF is computer vision? Posted Nov 13, 2016 by Devin Coldewey, Contributor   Next Story   Someone across the room throws you a ball and you catch it. Simple, right? Actually, this is one of the most complex processes we've ever attempted to compr…
This started out as a list of top Computer Science blogs, but it more closely resembles a set: the order is irrelevant and there are no duplicate elements; membership of this set of blogs satisfies all of the following conditions: they are written by…
git init git status git add readme.txt git add --all         Adds all new or modified files git commit -m"message" git add '*.txt'    Add all txt file in the whole project git remote add originName       :告… there's one city in the world where it's hard to find a place to buy or rent, it's Sydney. And if you've tried to find a home here recently, yo…
Set up git At the heart of GitHub is an open source version control system (VCS) called Git. Git is responsible for everything GitHub-related that happens locally on your computer. Github的核心是一个开源版的控制系统叫做git.Git负责与GitHub相关的所有本地工作.(所以说git和github是两个东西,g…
About this Course This course will teach you how to build convolutional neural networks and apply it to image data. Thanks to deep learning, computer vision is working far better than just two years ago, and this is enabling numerous exciting applica…
The Promise of Deep Learning By Yoshua Bengio Humans have long dreamed of creating machines that think. More than 100 years before the first programmable computer was built, inventors wondered whether devices made of rods and gears might become intel…