P3102 [USACO14FEB]秘密代码Secret Code 题目描述 Farmer John has secret message that he wants to hide from his cows; the message is a string of length at least 2 containing only the characters A..Z. To encrypt his message, FJ applies a sequence of "operations&…
P3102 [USACO14FEB]秘密代码Secret Code 题目描述 Farmer John has secret message that he wants to hide from his cows; the message is a string of length at least 2 containing only the characters A..Z. To encrypt his message, FJ applies a sequence of "operations&…
P3102 [USACO14FEB]秘密代码Secret Code 题目描述 Farmer John has secret message that he wants to hide from his cows; the message is a string of length at least 2 containing only the characters A..Z. To encrypt his message, FJ applies a sequence of "operations&…
农民约翰收到一条的消息,记该消息为长度至少为2,只由大写字母组成的字符串S,他通过一系列操作对S进行加密. 他的操作为,删除S的前面或者后面的若干个字符(但不删光整个S),并将剩下的部分连接到原字符串S的前面或者后面.如对于S='ABC',共有8总可能的操作结果: AABC ABABC BCABC CABC ABCA ABCAB ABCBC ABCC 给出加密后的目标字符串,请计算共有多少种加密的方案. 对于同字符的字符串,加密方案不止一种,比如把AA加密成AAA,共有4种加密方案.将你的答案m…
题目描述 Farmer John has secret message that he wants to hide from his cows; the message is a string of length at least 2 containing only the characters A..Z. To encrypt his message, FJ applies a sequence of "operations" to it, where an operation ap…
洛谷传送门,BZOJ传送门 秘密消息Secret Message Description     贝茜正在领导奶牛们逃跑.为了联络,奶牛们互相发送秘密信息.     信息是二进制的,共有M(1≤M≤50000)条.反间谍能力很强的约翰已经部分拦截了这些信息,知道了第i条二进制信息的前bi(l<bi≤10000)位.他同时知道,奶牛使用N(1≤N≤50000)条密码.但是,他仅仅了解第J条密码的前cj(1≤cj≤10000)位.     对于每条密码J,他想知道有多少截得的信息能够和它匹配.也就是…
题目: 题目链接:[USACO08DEC]秘密消息Secret Message 题意: 给定n条01信息和m条01密码,对于每一条密码A,求所有信息中包含它的信息条数和被它包含的信息条数的和. 分析: 建立一棵trie树,类似于存储26个字母一样存储0和1(每个节点只有两个儿子),然后设包含节点p的信息条数有size[p]条,在节点p结束的信息条数有end[p]条,节点的两个儿子的编号为num[p][0]和num[p][1],然后存储信息. 我们容易知道size[p]存储的实际上是包含了"从根节…
P3119 [USACO15JAN]草鉴定Grass Cownoisseur 题目描述 约翰有\(n\)块草场,编号1到\(n\),这些草场由若干条单行道相连.奶牛贝西是美味牧草的鉴赏家,她想到达尽可能多的草场去品尝牧草. 贝西总是从1号草场出发,最后回到1号草场.她想经过尽可能多的草场,贝西在通一个草场只吃一次草,所以一个草场可以经过多次.因为草场是单行道连接,这给贝西的品鉴工作带来了很大的不便,贝西想偷偷逆向行走一次,但最多只能有一次逆行.问,贝西最多能吃到多少个草场的牧草. 输入输出格式…
点此进入比赛 \(T1\):八百标兵奔北坡 这应该是一道较水的送分题吧. 理论上来说,正解应该是DP.但是,.前缀和优化暴力就能过. 放上我比赛时打的暴力代码吧(\(hl666\)大佬说这种做法的均摊复杂度为\(O(logn)\),总复杂度应为\(O(nlogn)\),可以接受): #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define max(x,y) ((x)>(y)?(x):(y)) #define min(x,y) ((x)<(y)?(x):(y)) #define…
题目描述 Bessie is leading the cows in an attempt to escape! To do this, the cows are sending secret binary messages to each other. Ever the clever counterspy, Farmer John has intercepted the first b_i (1 <= b_i <= 10,000) bits of each of M (1 <= M &…