读<移山之道>这本书差不多用了一个星期的时间,感觉还是收获了一些知识的,以前只是会简单地编个小程序(虽然现在也是这样),但看过这本书之后我对软件开发这个概念的认识度有了从一片模糊到了解大体概念的转变.但是毕竟用一周时间读透这么一本完整的书不是一件简单的事情,我也只是了解到了一些皮毛,在阅读的过程中也遇到了很多问题,一些基本的问题在后面的学习中已经解决了,有的还在困扰着我. (1)在书中了解到了一个术语叫 Work Item,但书里并没有提到一个vs里出现过的叫做issue的Work Item,…
Different people deserve different tasks; Once team roles are settled, there comes along a lot of other questions, such as how to manage team intellectual property properly, or how to deal with team-conflicts. How to write your test cases so that you…
http://www.cnblogs.com/yltyy/p/4025426.html 1.Different people deserve different tasks; Once team roles are settled, there comes along a lot of other questions, such as how to manage team intellectual property properly, or how to deal with team-confl…
关于场景测试 About Scenario testing 一.关于用户(About Personas) 1 我们如何预期我们的用户对我们的软件的使用 (How do we expect different personas to use your software?) 首先,根据对2012年手机游戏用户市场调查报告的分析(http://bbs.ptbus.com/thread-530098-1-1.html),我们总结出手游用户有这些特点和重要规律,这些规律对于我们对用户的预期有重大的参考…