x component of 2nd stokes wave--- C code】的更多相关文章

* Source code The following is a C code for x component of 2nd stokes wave ××××××××××××××××××××× /*second order stokes wave at inlet Boundary, wave velocity components are from equations 3.27 and 3.58, Pengzhi lin. numerical modeling of water waves.…
转载自:http://ganeshtiwaridotcomdotnp.blogspot.com/2011/12/java-sound-generate-play-sine-wave.html Working source code example on how to generate and play sine wave in Java :View my previous post  for playing any PCM amplitude array. Generate Sine wave…
突然又需要FMS做视频录制,却遇到一些意想不到的问题,我在想当年做的时候怎么没遇到... 报错: Error #2044: 未处理的 NetStatusEvent:. level=error, code=NetStream.Record.NoAcces 问题原因: 查资料发现,居然FMS在默认情况下不允许record文件到服务器,必须要进行设置,在服务器端的应用程序文件夹(默认位置在<FMS_Installation_Dir>/applications/live),在这个文件夹下面有一个mai…
欢迎关注我的社交账号: 博客园地址: http://www.cnblogs.com/jiangxinnju/p/4781259.html GitHub地址: https://github.com/jiangxincode 知乎地址: https://www.zhihu.com/people/jiangxinnju Origin Article: Peer Code Reviews Made Easy with Eclipse Plug-In Origin Author: John Ferguso…
[ERROR]  class file for org.mortbay.component.AbstractLifeCycle not found 错误堆栈如下: [ERROR] COMPILATION ERROR : [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------- [ERROR] /home/hduser/code/hadoop--src/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-auth…
In some cases, you might need to pass a string from your intl messages.js file as a prop to a component. Instead of using react-intl components (which generate markup), we’ll use the injectIntl higher order component provided by react-intl. This will…
RFID读写器的工作原理 RFID的数据采集以读写器为主导,RFID读写器是一种通过无线通信,实现对标签识别和内存数据的读出和写入操作的装置. 读写器又称为阅读器或读头(Reader).查询器(Interrogator).读出装置(Reading Device). 扫描器(Scanner).通信器(Communicator).编程/编码器(Programmer)等等. 读写器工作原理 RFID读写器的基本原理是利用射频信号与空间耦合传输特性,使电子标签与阅读器的耦合元件在射频耦合通道内进行能量传…
This week a customer called and asked (translated into my own words and shortened): “We do composite services, orchestrating two or three CRUD-Services to do something more useful. Our architects want to use your workflow engine for this because the…
Protecting computer systems from attacks that attempt to change USB topology and for ensuring that the system's information regarding USB topology is accurate is disclosed. A software model is defined that, together with secure USB hardware, provides…
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