Spark on Yarn提交任务时报ClosedChannelException解决方案_服务器应用_Linux公社-Linux系统门户网站 yarn.nodemanager.pmem-check-enabled true Whether physical memory limits will be enforced for containers. yarn.nodemanager.vmem-ch…
spark2.1出来了,想玩玩就搭了个原生的apache集群,但在standalone模式下没有任何问题,基于apache hadoop 2.7.3使用spark on yarn一直报这个错.(Java 8) 报错日志如下: Warning: Master yarn-client is deprecated since 2.0. Please use master "yarn" with specified deploy mode instead. // :: INFO spark.S…
[起因] 一次zabbix报警,从库[Warning] MySQL-repl was down # 不知道主库/storage空间小于20%时为什么没有触发trigger [从库错误日志] 161103 11:48:56 [ERROR] Slave I/O: Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'binlog truncated in the middle of event; consider…
1.新建的Slave:系统管理-->管理节点-->新建节点 远程工作目录 即是 节点服务器 站点文件存放目录 在配置节点时 启动方法 配置的选项中的 Launch agent via Java Web Start 找不到这个选项 原因是 TCP port for JNLP agents 此项配置没有选中 随机选取 解决办法: 系统设置-->Configure Global Security-->TCP port for JNLP agents 2.新建完节点后出现如下图界面: 点击…
show master/slave status分别是查看主数据库以及副数据库的状态,是一种能查看主从复制运行情况的方式. 这里仅仅讨论linux下的nysql5.7.13版本的执行情况 一.show master status 开始与show global status类似,都是分配一个线程去处理该连接的命令(图1) 图1 show master status命令处理流程 1.在中 . (1)初始化内存 (2)初始化解析后命令选项 SQLCOM_SHOW_…
RESET SLAVE的语法如下: RESET SLAVE [ALL] [channel_option] channel_option: FOR CHANNEL channel 其中,channel_option主要是针对5.7.6引入的多源复制. RESET SLAVE 官方的解释如下 RESET SLAVE makes the slave forget its replication position in the master's binary log. This statement is…
salve复制线程停止,尝试start slave 时报ERROR 1872错误mysql> system perror 1872 MySQL error code 1872 (ER_SLAVE_RLI_INIT_REPOSITORY): Slave failed to initialize relay log info structure from the repository解决过程1.看样子是找不到中继日志的仓库,但是查看变量relay log的位置是设置了的mysql> show va…
MySQL 5.6 is GA! Now we have new things to play with and in my personal opinion the most interesting one is the new Global Transaction ID (GTID) support in replication. This post is not an explanation of what is GTID and how it works internally becau…
告警信息 check_ins_slave_io_running (err_cnt:1)critical- slaveio not run on ins:3014,3051,3060,3079,3097,3104,3106,3107,3108,3116,3119,3123,3170,3150,3151 复制错误 错误1: Last_IO_Errno: 1159 (ER_NET_READ_INTERRUPTED) Last_IO_Error: The slave I/O thread st…
1.查看master的状态 mysql> show master status; //Position不应该为0 mysql> show processlist; //state状态应该为Has sent all binlog to slave; waiting for binlog to be updated 2.查看slave状态 mysql> show slave status; //Slave_IO_Running 与 Slave_SQL_Running 状态都要为Yes s…