转自官方文档 In the last article, we discussed the ins and outs of remote (executable) schemas. These remote schemas are the foundation for a set of tools and techniques referred to as schema stitching. Schema stitching is a brand new topic in the GraphQL…
转自: https://tomasalabes.me/blog/nodejs/graphql/apollo/2018/09/18/schema-stitiching-apollo.html Full Schema Stitching with Apollo Server In this post we will see how we can stitch the queries/mutations and subscriptions from an Apollo Server and its L…
大部分知识都是相通的,Maya和USD在设计上有很多相似之处,USD的Schema粗看很难理解,但实际上与Maya的MFn有着异曲同工之处.这篇文章会简单介绍一下这两个知识点,做个对比,了解下它们在各自环境下的使用套路,长长姿势,帮助看官们融会贯通,闻一知十. 废话不多说,正文开始. 首先我们来看看USD中的Schema: USD defines a schema as an object whose purpose is to author and retrieve structured da…
One characteristic of an RDBMS is the independence of physical data storage from logical data structures. RDBMS的特点之一是物理数据与逻辑数据结构的独立性. Introduction to Schema Objects Schema Object Types Schema Object Storage Schema Object Dependencies SYS and SYSTEM S…
As we start building out more complex GraphQL schemas, certain fields start to repeat across different types. This is a perfect use-case for the Interface Type made available to us through GraphQL’s Type System. In this video, we’ll go over how to cr…
Schema是Object的容器,授予对Schema访问的权限,就是授予对Schema下所有object的访问权限. 一,Schema 是object的container The new schema is owned by one of the following database-level principals: database user, database role, or application role. Objects created within a schema are ow…
Introduction An xml documents consists of elements, attributes and text. There are two structures in an xml document: simple ( contains only text ) can ba either Built-in, or Derived complex ( has attributes or child elements, and possibly texts as w…