A material that you may never have heard of could be paving the way for a new electronic revolution. By KRISTIN ROBERTS Researchers from universities in China and Canada working at the National MagLab are exploring the exciting properties of phosphor…
 这是一首很感动的主内歌曲,听了无首次,还是很感动,这里把歌词贴出来,一方面是为了记忆歌词,另一方面是为以后怀念记忆.(20:44:38) Bless the lord,oh my soul oh my soul worship his holy name sing like never before oh my soul I'll worship your holy name the sun comes up ,it's a new day dawning it's time to sing…
原文链接:http://lesseesadvocate.com/7-compelling-reasons-need-start-business-youve-always-wanted/ Don’t Wait Any Longer – Start Your Own Business and Stop Building Someone Else’s Empire The Autonomy and freedom you’ll gain by working for yourself is some…
http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/CshTop10.txt ======================================================================        Top Ten Reasons not to use the C shell======================================================================    Written by Bruce B…
最近用 codeigniter 写一个小系统,引用了session 库,codeigniter默认的session存储方式为files.鉴于安全性,文件即肯定涉及到权限问题. 在类 UNIX 操作系统中,这可以通过在该目录上执行 chmod 命令,将权限设置为 0700 来实现, 这样就可以只允许目录的所有者执行读取和写入操作.但是要注意的是,脚本的执行者通常不是你自己, 而是类似于 'www-data' 这样的用户,所以只设置权限可能会破坏你的程序. 但用户买的是万网的虚拟主机,默认是没有开启…
在ubuntu下面安装了一个wordpress程序,在后台什么都没干,编辑主题时,发现页面中报下面的错误. notice: /home/wwwroot/test.localhost/wordpress/wp-content/themes Warning: scandir() has been disabled 这个是什么情况呢,赶快到网上搜了一下. 原来是scandir被禁用了.通过lnmp探针也可以看到. 很简单,编辑php.ini文件 disable_functions = scandir,…
Benefits of Cold Showers: 7 Reasons Why Taking Cool Showers Is Good For Your Health Most of us have been caught in that skin-cringing, and often dreaded moment of being the last one to shower. If you haven't then chances are that you've had someone w…
sy@sy-Aspire-:~$ .0_155965261/configuration/.log !SESSION -- ::39.595 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=I20110613- java.version=1.6.0_35 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=linux, ARCH=x86_64, WS=g…
今天在做EXCEL打印读取模板时报错了,错误信息如下: Microsoft Excel cannot access the file 'D:\xx.xlsx'. There are several possible reasons: • The file name or path does not exist. • The file is being used by another program. • The workbook you are trying to save has the sa…
Top 5 Reasons to Get BMW ICOM A2 with Latest Software 1.BMW ICOM A2 Hardware Version: V2018.03 2.Support Vehicles: BMW Cars, BMW Motorcycle, Rolls-Royce, Mini Cooper 3.Support BMW All Series Diagnose and Programming 4.With Bonus Engineer Programming…
In this lesson you will learn how to give reasons for something you've done. 课上内容(Lesson) Why do people...?  人们为什么...? play sports     Because people need health  人们需要健康 get married     Because people have a family    人们想拥有一个家庭 study English  Because…
博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/FoxDave 今天在测试东西的时候发现在本机运行CSOM代码或使用Office 365 PowerShell时,出现了如下错误: Connect-SPOService : For security reasons DTD is prohibited in this XML document. To enable DTD processing set the DtdProcessing property on XmlReaderSettin…
ytkah在用composer安装插件时出现了shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons错误提示,这个是php配置的问题,shell_exec() 函数被禁用了.怎么解决呢? shell_exec() has been disabled for security reasons 打开php.ini,搜索disable_functions,代码如下: disable_functions = scandir,passthru,exec,sy…
Do you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up? Maybe a fireman? A baker? A ballerina? You probably have some sort of idea what you ultimately want to do with your life. BUT are you actually doing it? Are you working towards it? Or have you g…
Of all the developers’ delight, a set of APIs that makes them productive, that are easy to use, and that are intuitive and expressive is the most attractive delight. One of Apache Spark’s appeal to developers has been its easy-to-use APIs, for operat…
今天同事开发 出现了这个错误 [think\exception\ErrorException] glob() has been disabled for security reasons 打开php.ini 找到 disable_functions 里面找到glob  给删除 然后保存  即可…
原文:https://hackernoon.com/6-reasons-why-javascripts-async-await-blows-promises-away-tutorial-c7ec10518dd9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 Reasons Why JavaScript’s Async/Await Blows Prom…
FastAdmin 在 CRUD 时出现 exec() has been disabled for security reasons 怎么办? 有小伙伴提问 FastAdmin 在 CRUD 时出现 exec() has been disabled for security reasons 怎么办? 这是因为 php 配置中将 exec 禁用了,或者启用了安全模式. 最快的方法是关闭安全模式. 也可以是 按 Karson 方法分两条命令执行. Karson: php think crud -t…
8 Reasons why SharePoint is Bad for Your Business 8个理由告诉你,为什么SharePoint对你的业务有害         SharePoint近期已经获得了非常多天花乱坠的广告宣传,似乎全部人都跳入协作的浪潮中. 我说你们都疯了,所以这里总结一下,为什么SharePoint对你的业务有害. 1. 假设98年能够使用.那么现在应该也能使用         总是学习新东西花费大量精力.训练员工以不同方式工作很费钱的.         为什么不只学习…
今天使用pecl install swoole命令编译安装swoole的时候提示:Warning: popen() has been disabled for security reasons in OS/Guess.php on line 241这个错误 心头一颤,赶紧百度知一下,说是在php.ini里将popen函数禁用了,这里总结一下,以免以后再遇到后手足无措 解决办法: 找到php.ini 打开后找到 这里面是被禁用的函数,需要哪一个,删掉 然后保存退出 执行/etc/init.d/ph…
original link Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file ‘c:\file.xlsx’. There are several possible reasons:• The file name or path does not exist.• The file is being used by another program.• The workbook you are trying to save has the same name…
37 Reasons why your Neural Network is not working Neural Network Check List 如何使用这个指南 数据问题 检查输入数据 试一下随机输入 检查数据加载单元 确保输入和输出是一一对应的 输入和输出之间的关系映射的随机性会不会太强了 数据集中的噪声 打乱数据集 控制类别不平衡现象 会不会是训练数据不足 尽量你的训练批次中的样本标签多样化 减小batch size 尝试经典数据集MNISTCIFAR10 数据归一化正则化 特征向量…
本文持续更新... 原因一:  访问dashboard 很慢. 输入了用户名和密码还有project后,一直处于首页状态,等很久才进入(暂且不考虑硬件.硬件暂时假设都满足条件) 首先想到的是memcache缓存,之前如果登录了之后,应该有缓存. 查看官网有这么一句话: 再检查下配置(on controller node): 果然是只有controller本机使用127.0.0.1才能访问,如果按照上面这样配置,则所有节点的服务都不能正常访问到memcache.而这些服务 需要先request m…
1.报如下错误,问题是php版本太低 php -ini 看下你的版本 http://doc2.workerman.net/how-distributed.html 参考: https://blog.csdn.net/sweet_note/article/details/79354220…
1.可能的原因是你没有安装perl > yum install perl > yum install httpd-devel 2.在你apache安装目录下的bin下找到apxs,并用vi打开 > vi /data/apache/bin/apxs 3.找到 #!/replace/with/path/to/perl/interpreter -w 这句并修改成 #!/usr/bin/perl -w…
服务器环境: LNMP 在服务器部署代码时候.遇到了这个问题. 蛋疼啊! 2 解决办法:  打开phpinfo.php , 搜索: scandir 找到disabled_function,确认此函数未开启 3  打开文件: /usr/local/php/etc/php.ini 删除  scandir,     保存 4  重启,网上说重启fpm什么的..我试了下没成功.. 直接进入服务器后台,重启服务器,简单粗暴 5  打开测试.成功…
原因:LNMP 0.9禁用了部分存在危险的PHP函数 LNMP0.9禁用的PHP函数包括:passthru, exec, system, chroot, scandir, chgrp, chown, shell_exec, proc_open, proc_get_status, ini_alter, ini_alter, ini_restore, dl, pfsockopen ,openlog, syslog, readlink, symlink, popepassthru, stream_so…
Mobile is no longer on the sidelines. If you’re not already thinking mobile first, you should at least consider it. Let’s go over compelling data that demonstrate the importance of focusing on performance for mobile devices. Business is Booming on th…
如果是PHPNOW,还是找到php-apache2handler.ini这个文件,把禁用的函数去掉即可. 注意是这个文件夹…
When working with InnoDB, you have two ways for managing the tablespace storage: Throw everything in one big file (optionally split). Have one file per table. I will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the two options, and will strive to conv…