<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta content="text/html;…
https://dvteclipse.com/documentation/svlinter/How_to_use_special_characters_in_XML.3F.html Because XML syntax uses some characters for tags and attributes it is not possible to directly use those characters inside XML tags or attribute values. To inc…
From: https://bytenota.com/javascript-convert-image-to-base64-string/ his post shows you two approaches how to convert an image to a Base64 string using JavaScript: HTML5 Canvas and FileReader. 1. Approach 1: HTML5 Canvas example.js function toDataUR…
Sometimes, you might want to convert a JavaScript function that accepts a callback to one that returns a Promiseobject. This lesson shows how to manually wrap a promise-based API around the fs.readFile() function. It also explains how to use the util…
For example we have a 'forEach' method which can loop though a linked list: forEach(fn) { let node = this.head; let counter = ; while (node) { fn(node, counter); node = node.next; counter++; } } Test: test('applies a transform to each node', () => {…
SQL> set define off; or use Try 'Java_22 '||'&'||' Oracle_14'…
正文从这开始- JavaScript是一门神奇且奇妙的编程语言,我们有时候用它来写一些看似疯狂的代码,但这些代码依然可被执行且运行结果十分有趣.JavaScript 试图帮助我们将一些数据类型转化为我们所认为的数据类型. 如果我们定义一个字符串常量,它会假设我们希望添加的是文本形式,所以 JavaScript 会把它转化为字符串类型. 如果我们加上『+』或『-』前缀,JavaScript 会认为我们需要它以数值形式表示,如果条件允许,它甚至会把字符串也转换为数值类型. 如果我们添加「表示否定的符…
转载来自: http://www.infocool.net/kb/PHP/201607/168683.html a 函数 说明 abs 绝对值 acos 反余弦 acosh 反双曲余弦 addcslashes 以 C 语言风格使用反斜线转义字符串中的字符 addslashes 使用反斜线引用字符串 apache_child_terminate 在本次请求结束后终止 apache 子进程 apache_getenv 获取 Apache subprocess_env 变量 apache_get_mo…
原文来自于:http://thisinterestsme.com/php-best-practises/ There are a number of good practises that you should follow when developing web applications in PHP. Most of these are extremely easy to pick up and some of them will even apply to web application…
// Underscore.js 1.8.3 // http://underscorejs.org // (c) 2009-2015 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud and Investigative Reporters & Editors // Underscore may be freely distributed under the MIT license. // 中文注释 by hanzichi @https://github.com/hanzichi //…