Android:日常学习笔记(8)———探究UI开发(5) ListView控件的使用 ListView概述 A view that shows items in a vertically scrolling list. The items come from the ListAdapter associated with this view. 1.关于ArrayAdapter: ArrayAdapter<T> 是 ListAdapter的直接子类:一个由任意对象数组支持的具体的BaseAda…
python 学习小结 python 简明教程 1.python 文件 #!/etc/bin/python #coding=utf-8 2.main()函数 if __name__ == '__main__': 3.物理行与逻辑行; 下面是一个在多个物理行中写一个逻辑行的例子.它被称为明确的行连接. s = 'This is a string. \ This continues the string.' print s 它的输出: This is a string. This continues…