Data Collections ---> Stream to Channel (as source input) ----> Parallel Computing---> Results (as source ouput) -----> To DB ( Presentation) ISpout is the core interface for implementing spouts. A Spout is responsible for feeding messages int…
Copied From: Author: Blaise Barney, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory UCRL-MI-133316 Table of Contents Abstract Overview What is Parallel Computing? Why Use Parallel Computing? Who is Using Para…
这是2013年写的一篇旧文,放在gegahost.net上面 March 11, 2013 General mistakes in parallel computing Filed under: concurrency,software — Tags: atomic, cocurrency, data race, dead lock, parellel — Raison @ 2:51 am (Original Work by P…
A method and apparatus for a atomic operation is described. A method comprises receiving a first program unit in a parallel computing environment, the first program unit including a memory update operation to be performed atomically, the memory updat…
原理不解释,直接上代码 代码中被注释的源程序可用于打印中间结果,检查运算是否正确. #include "mpi.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void scatter_matrix(int* fstream,int n1,int n2,int*Q,int root,int tag){ /*每个矩阵块的大小*/…
Omega Network Model…
A novel massively parallel supercomputer of hundreds of teraOPS-scale includes node architectures based upon System-On-a-Chip technology, i.e., each processing node comprises a single Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). Within each ASIC n…
原作者: Pamela Vagata, Parallel Computing Platform Group, Microsoft Corporation 原文pdf:http://download.csdn.NET/detail/sqlchen/7509513 ==================================================================== 简介 当需要为多核机器进行优化的时候,最好先检查下你的程序是否有处理能够分割开来进行并行处理.(例如…
0.1 TopicNotes of Lin C., Snyder L.. Principles of Parallel Programming. Beijing: China Machine Press. 2008. (1) Parallel Computer Architecture - done 2015/5/24(2) Parallel Abstraction - done 2015/5/28(3) Scable Algorithm Techniques - done 2015/5/30(…
现在的电脑几乎都是多核的,但在软件中并还没有跟上这个节奏,大多数软件还是采用传统的方式,并没有很好的发挥多核的优势. 微软的并行运算平台(Microsoft’s Parallel Computing Platform (PCP))提供了这样一个工具,让软件开发人员可以有效的使用多核提供的性能. Parallel.ForEach()和Parallel.For()就是微软并发类的成员. 今天做了一个简单的测试,我的电脑是双核的,效果还是比较明显的. 一般的for和foreach循环用时都在10秒钟:…