题目链接: K - Subarrays OR Gym - 102152K 题目大意:T组测试样例,然后n个数,让你求每一个l,r中有多少个不同的异或值. 具体思路: 对于(1,i)这个区间, 我们当前需要的信息是(1,i-1),(2.i-1),,,,(i-1.i-1)这个区间的信息,我们从第一个元素开始,将这些信息存储起来就好了,set去重. AC代码: #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; # define ll long long ; i…
You are given an array a consisting of n integers. A subarray (l, r) from array a is defined as non-empty sequence of consecutive elements al, al + 1, ..., ar. The beauty of a subarray (l, r) is calculated as the bitwise AND for all elements in the s…
SaMer is building a simple robot that can move in the four directions: up (^), down (v), left (<), and right (>). The robot receives the commands to move as a string and executes them sequentially. The robot skips the commands that make it go outsid…