This guide explains how you can set up an iSCSI target and an iSCSI initiator (client), both running Ubuntu 10.04. The iSCSI protocol is a storage area network (SAN) protocol which allows iSCSI initiators to use storage devices on the (remote) iSCSI…
转自ubuntu 10.04 安装qt 5.0.2 从qt project网站下载下来最新的qt5.0.2套件,发现是个.run文件,添加x属性,然后直接sudo ./****.run, 提示 /lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.15' not found ,看了一下,自己的/usr/lib/下面的版本是GLIBCXX_3.4.13, 即是要替换下载libstdc++6_4.7.2-5_i…
家里有一台cotext-A9(armv7-a) 的盒子,现在不用了, 一直想着废物利用.于是想怎么为这盒子编译程序. 目标机器: root@routon-h1:/# uname -a Linux routon-h1 # SMP Mon Oct :: CST armv7l GNU/Linux 装了一台 ubuntu 10.04 X86 的虚拟机 root@ubuntu:~# uname -a Linux ubuntu --generic #-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan :: UTC i6…
打开ubuntu时,出现的错误如下: Invalid configuration file. File "E:\Ubuntu12.04.vmwarevm\Ubuntu12.04.vmx" was created by a VMware product with more features than this version of VMware Workstation and cannot be used with this version of VMware Workstation.…