偶尔用别人的代码,出现: warning C4819: The file contains a character that cannot be represented ). Save the file in Unicode format to prevent data loss 百度基本的推荐做法是将文件修改编码另存为一下.有时很好奇究竟是声明字符导致该错误,直接删掉就不可以了. 这里提供另一种方法,看图:…
今天在更新项目后进行编译时,出现如下错误一堆: 编译错误 Google之,在stackoverflow上看到如下的解决方法: I came here with the same problem. Even worse: I had two projects side by side, both targetting the same JRE (1.6), and one was able to resolve Node.getTextContent() while the other wasn'…
org.w3c.dom.Node.getTextContent()方法编译错误. 在项目的Java Build Path | Order and Export选项卡中,将JRE System Library选中,并Top置顶.然后再进行编译即可. 参考: https://blog.csdn.net/maoxiao1229/article/details/51694553…
[场景]调用com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities时,eclipse提示编译错误: Access restriction: The type 'AWTUtilities' is not API (restriction on required library 'C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\lib\rt.jar') [分析]eclipse项目默认的jre版本较早. com.sun.awt.AWTUtilities是在JDK 6 update10中增加的. [解决…
mac 上运行cassandra出现的java.net.MalformedURLException: Local host name unknown: java.net.UnknownHostException: : : unknown error错误解决方法 运行: ./bin/cassandra 得到输出结果: objc[1881]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMach…
新建一个jsp文件后,有一个错误,The superclass "javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet" was not found on the Java Build Path 解决方法: 1. 右键项目->build path->configure build path... 2. 选择 Java build path 3. Add Library->Server Runtime->Click Next 4. 选择 Server ru…