MS08_067远程漏洞攻击:shell 实现攻击的前提是:攻击机和靶机在同一个网段下,首先将kali的ip改为与winxp的ip一样,二者能ping通 两台虚拟机: kali ip: windows xp sp3: 1.kali打开msfconsole控制台 2.在msf模式下查找ms08_067的漏洞攻击程序 3."use exploit/windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi"进入该漏洞模块 4."…
XSS攻击在最近很是流行,往往在某段代码里一不小心就会被人放上XSS攻击的代码,看到国外有人写上了函数,咱也偷偷懒,悄悄的贴上来... 原文如下: The goal of this function is to be a generic function that can be used to parse almost any input and render it XSS safe. For more information on actual XSS attacks, check out h…