还是畅通工程 Time Limit : 4000/2000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit : 65536/32768K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 51 Accepted Submission(s) : 32 Font: Times New Roman | Verdana | Georgia Font Size: ← → Problem Description 某省调查乡村交通状况,得到的统计表中列出了任意两村庄间的距离…
Subsequence Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 14709 Accepted: 6210 Description A sequence of N positive integers (10 < N < 100 000), each of them less than or equal 10000, and a positive integer S (S < 100 000 000) ar…
畅通工程再续 Time Limit : 2000/1000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit : 32768/32768K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 54 Accepted Submission(s) : 30 Font: Times New Roman | Verdana | Georgia Font Size: ← → Problem Description 相信大家都听说一个"百岛湖"的地方吧,百岛湖的居民…
畅通工程 Time Limit : 1000/1000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit : 32768/32768K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 65 Accepted Submission(s) : 40 Font: Times New Roman | Verdana | Georgia Font Size: ← → Problem Description 省政府"畅通工程"的目标是使全省任何两个村庄间都可以实…
畅通工程 Time Limit : 4000/2000ms (Java/Other) Memory Limit : 65536/32768K (Java/Other) Total Submission(s) : 48 Accepted Submission(s) : 39 Font: Times New Roman | Verdana | Georgia Font Size: ← → Problem Description 某省调查城镇交通状况,得到现有城镇道路统计表,表中列出了每条道路…
huffman coding, greedy algorithm. std::priority_queue, std::partition, when i use the three commented lines, excution time increase to 15ms from 0ms, due to worse locality? thanks to http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/discuss/problem/post/reply.php?action=support…
The Newsfeed is a key piece in SP2013's approach to social computing. It appears on the landing page of My Site as below: This is actually a web part titled Newsfeed, and can be found under the Social Collaboration category. Now, you may want to have…
thanks to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2144459/using-scanf-to-accept-user-input and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/456303/how-to-validate-input-using-scanf for the i/o part. thanks to http://www.haodaima.net/art/137347 for the rounding part…
Network Saboteur Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 10147 Accepted: 4849 Description A university network is composed of N computers. System administrators gathered information on the traffic between nodes, and carefully divid…
Play on Words Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 10620 Accepted: 3602 Description Some of the secret doors contain a very interesting word puzzle. The team of archaeologists has to solve it to open that doors. Because there is…
Time Limit:3000MS Memory Limit:65536KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice POJ 2406 Appoint description: Description Given two strings a and b we define a*b to be their concatenation. For example, if a = "abc" and b = "…
D - Painter Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:65536KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice HDU 5319 Appoint description: Description Mr. Hdu is an painter, as we all know, painters need ideas to innovate , one day, he got stuck in rut an…
K - Work Time Limit:1000MS Memory Limit:32768KB 64bit IO Format:%I64d & %I64u Submit Status Practice HDU 5326 Appoint description: System Crawler (2015-07-28) Description It's an interesting experience to move from ICPC to work, end my coll…
Labeling Balls Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 11893 Accepted: 3408 Description Windy has N balls of distinct weights from 1 unit to N units. Now he tries to label them with 1 to N in such a way that: No two balls share the…
Catch That Cow Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 58072 Accepted: 18061 Description Farmer John has been informed of the location of a fugitive cow and wants to catch her immediately. He starts at a point N (0 ≤ N ≤ 100,00…
Let the Balloon Rise Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 87647 Accepted Submission(s): 33130 Problem Description Contest time again! How excited it is to see balloons floating ar…
Radar Installation Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 60120 Accepted: 13552 Description Assume the coasting is an infinite straight line. Land is in one side of coasting, sea in the other. Each small island is a point loca…
Who's in the Middle Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 34155 Accepted: 19875 Description FJ is surveying his herd to find the most average cow. He wants to know how much milk this 'median' cow gives: half of the cows give…