一次非正常关闭weblogic之后,再次启动时启动不成功,一直提示:<141281> <unable to get file lock, will retry ...> 解决方法:进入域目录: y@y:~$ cd oracle/middleware/user_projects/domains/yshy_domain/ (1)删除 edit.lok (2)进入config目录删除 config.lok (3)y@y:yshy_domain$ cd servers/AdminServe…
Weblogic AdminServer 启动fail,报错"unable to get file lock, will retry" 参考原始: Weblogic AdminServer fails with "unable to get file lock, will retry" error message (Doc ID 1613945.1) 适用于: Oracle WebLogic Server - Version 8.1 and later Inform…
启动受管服务器出现:unable to get file lock, will retry... 解决方法:一.删掉Domain下的*.lok文件1. 删除edit.lok进入到domain_home下:cd /u01/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/idm_domain将edit.lok文件删掉rm edit.lok2.删除config.lok进入到domain_home/config下:cd /u01/Oracle/Middleware/use…
I ran into this error the first time I restarted Weblogic on one of my installs, the only reference that I was able to find is the error description below: BEA-141281 Info: unable to get file lock, will retry … Description This message indicates th…
A-141281> <unable to get file lock, will retry ...> http://gdutlzh.blog.163.com/blog/static/164746951201291903824812/ I ran into this error the first time I restarted Weblogic on one of my installs, the only reference that I was able to find…
原文:http://gdutlzh.blog.163.com/blog/static/164746951201291903824812/ <BEA-141281> <unable to get file lock, will retry ...> I ran into this error the first time I restarted Weblogic on one of my installs, the only reference that I was able to…
一.问题描述 在使用 git 时,提示 error: unable to create file xxx: Filename too long error: unable to create file xxx: Filename too long error: unable to create file xxx: Filename too long error: unable to create file xxx: Filename too long error: unable to creat…
myeclipse2015不能启动tomcat,提示: Several ports (8005, 8080, 8009) required by Tomcat v7.0 Server at localhost are already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you wil…
一.使用环境操作系统:CentOS release 6.2 (Final) 数据库:Oracle 12g数据库主目录:/ora12/product/product/12.1.0/db_1 二.问题描述 用sys用户登录sqlplus后,用startup命令启动Oracle时提示:ORA-01078:failure in processing system parametersLRM-00109: could not open parameter file '/ora12/product/prod…
首发日期: 2018-01-30 现象: 在centOS7中启动MySQL数据库提示: Failed to start mysqld.service: Unit not found [明明已经安装了,为什么提示不存在呢?] 原因: 在CentOS7中已经不在支持mysql,就算你已经安装了,CentOS7还是表示很嫌弃. 知乎: CentOS 7为什么放弃了MySQL,而改使用MariaDB? 解决方案: 安装mysql的作者另起炉灶的开源版本:maria DB (maria DB如同 MySQ…
问题 zabbix启动web界面提示: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) 解决 这是由于修改mysql服务的了socket文件mysql.sock位置,而导致无法通过mysql socket文件连接到mysql服务引起的,具体解决办法如下: # vim /etc/my.cnf 我们需要修改/etc/my.ini文件:加上一行. mysql.default_socke…
现象: 在centOS7中启动MySQL数据库提示: Failed to start mysqld.service: Unit not found [明明已经安装了,为什么提示不存在呢?] 原因: 在CentOS7中已经不在支持mysql,就算你已经安装了,CentOS7还是表示很嫌弃. 解决方案: 安装mysql的作者另起炉灶的开源版本:maria DB (maria DB如同 MySQL 的影子版本,玛莉亚数据库是 MySQL 的一个分支版本(branch),而不是衍生版本(folk),提供…
Error 63 Unable to copy file "D:\DEV\XXX Website\trunk\4 Source Code\Common\WebControls\bin\Debug\WebControls.dll" to "bin\WebControls.dll". The process cannot access the file 'bin\WebControls.dll' because it is being used by ano…
现象:客户报障ssh无法登陆.提示/bin/bash No such file or directory 排查:进入单用户模式 linux16 行ro替换 rw init=/sysroot/bin/sh Ctrl +X 进入后 --切换根目录报错:命令:chroot /sysroot 报错:chroot: failed to run command '/bin/sh': No such file or directory 可能原因:命令所需的库文件丢失,或者目录丢失. 通过正常系统检查命令所…
昨天系统有点问题,在用Ghost还原系统时,一直提示10010错误,提示can not open image file 想着可能是备份文件的问题,从另一台电脑上重新拷过来一份,仍然不行,Ghost还是提示10010错误 后来,实在没办法,想着可能是路径问题,就把备份文件从F盘的子文件夹里拷到E盘根目录下,重新试了一下,可以了. 看来还真是路径的问题.…