Design Of A Modern Cache】的更多相关文章 MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016 AT 8:56AM This is a guest post by Benjamin Manes, who did engineery things for Google and is now doing engineery things for a new load documentation star…
如何设计一个支持高并发的高性能缓存库 不 考虑并发情况下的缓存的设计大家应该都比较清楚,基本上就是用map/hashmap存储键值,然后用双向链表记录一个LRU来用于缓存的清理.这篇文章 应该是讲得很清楚但是考虑到高并发的情况,如何才能让缓存保持高性能呢? 高并发缓存需要解决2个问题:1. 高效率的内存分配:2. 高效率的读取,插入和清理数据.关于第一个问题涉及到高效率的内存分配器,使用成熟的jemalloc/tcmall…
Mobile An Introduction to Cordova: Basics Web Angular 2 versus React: There Will Be Blood How to Become a Better Node.js Developer in 2016 Debugging Node.js applications using Node Inspector Node.js learnyounode Tutorials Writing modern C++ servers u…
一.简介 Caffeine 是基于Java 8 开发的.提供了近乎最佳命中率的高性能本地缓存组件,Spring5 开始不再支持 Guava Cache,改为使用 Caffeine. 下面是 Caffeine 官方测试报告. 由上面三幅图可见:不管在并发读.并发写还是并发读写的场景下,Caffeine 的性能都大幅领先于其他本地开源缓存组件. 本文先介绍 Caffeine 实现原理,再讲解如何在项目中使用 Caffeine . 二.Caffeine 原理 2.1 淘汰算法 2.1.1 常见算法 对…
PART I GROUNDWORK CHAPTER 1 Introduction CHAPTER 2 One on One (101) CHAPTER 3 Overview of the Internet CHAPTER 4 More Than Two PART II FOUNDATIONS CHAPTER 5 Issues in Networking Graphics CHAPTER 6 Sockets and Middleware CHAPTER 7 Middleware and Messa…
Last week during a casual conversation I overheard a colleague saying: "The Linux network stack is slow! You can't expect it to do more than 50 thousand packets per second per core!" That got me thinking. While I agree that 50kpps per core is pr…
HttpClient类是进行TCP连接的实现类, package; import*; import*; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import; import… Asterisk Asterisk is an open source framework for building communications applications. Asterisk turns an ordinary computer into a c…
1.打开 app\design\frontend\default\modern\layout\catalog.xml,在适当位置加入以下代码: <reference name=”left”> <block type=”catalog/navigation” name=”cms_catalog” template=”catalog/catalog.phtml”/> </reference> 2.在 app\design\frontend\default\modern\te…
Django documentation contents 翻译完成后会做标记. 文档按照官方提供的内容一页一页的进行翻译,有些内容涉及到其他节的内容,会慢慢补上.所有的翻译内容按自己的理解来写,尽量做到“信达雅”.也算是给自己学习英语提供一个好的方式,既能助人又能利己. Getting started Django at a glance  (CSDN 有一个哥们已经翻译了...) Design your model Install it Enjoy the free API A dynami…