对于一个词法分析程序,一般读取文件或者终端 一个默认lex程序大致看上去像这样 YY_BUFFER_STATE bp; extern FILE* yyin; ... whatever the program does before the first call to the scanner if(!yyin) yyin = stdin; default input is stdin bp = yy_create_buffer(yyin,YY_BUF_SIZE ); YY_BUF_SIZE def…
第二章 网络编程 1.学习笔记 2.课后习题 答案是按照自己理解和查阅资料来的,不保证正确性.如由错误欢迎指出,谢谢 1. 套接字:A network socket is an endpoint of a connection across a computer network,Sockets are often represented internally as simple integers, which identify which connection to use. 套接字是网络通信的…