[Purpose] Learning how to get mobile module info [Eevironment] Shell terminal, base on gcom command and gcom script [Procdeure] opengt set com 115200n81 set comecho off set senddelay 0.02 waitquiet 0.2 0.2 flash 0.1 :start send "AT+CSUB^m" "…
AT command AT+CEREG [Purpose] Learning how to query the network registration status [Eevironment] Shell terminal, base on gcom command and gcom script [Procdeure] gcom script : root@IoTP:~# cat /etc/gcom/getcereg.gcom opengt…
AT command AT+CIMI [Purpose] Learning how to get the International Mobile Subscriber Identity [Eevironment] Shell terminal, base on gcom command and gcom script [Procdeure] gcom script : opengt set com 115200n81 set comecho o…
AT command AT+CSQ [Purpose] Learning how to get mobile module single quality report [Eevironment] Shell terminal, base on gcom command and gcom script [Procdeure] gcom script root@IoTP:/etc/gcom# cat getstrength.gcom opengt s…
AT command AT+CGSN [Purpose] Learning how to get mobile module international Mobile Equipment Identity number [Eevironment] Shell terminal, base on gcom command and gcom script [Procdeure] gcom script opengt set com 115200n81…
[Purpose] Learning how to controls the functionality level. It can also be used to reset the UE (飞行模式) [Eevironment] Shell terminal, base on gcom command and gcom script [Procdeure]…
[Purpose] Learning how to check sim ready? [Eevironment] Shell terminal, base on gcom command and gcom script [Procdeure] opengt set com 115200n81 set comecho off set senddelay 0.02 waitquiet 0.2 0.2 flash 0.1 :start send "AT+CPIN?^m" get 1 &quo…
Linux command stty reference: https://blog.csdn.net/lqxandroid2012/article/details/78929506 [Purpose] Learning linux command stty for get/set serial uart speed [Eevironment] Ubuntu 16.04 terminal [Procdeure] example get uart…