转自:http://blog.csdn.net/eastmoon502136/article/details/7921846 对于SPI的一些结构体都有所了解之后呢,那么再去瞧瞧SPI的那些长见的操作的函数了. 首先看一下本人画的比较挫的数据流了,仅供参考,如有不对,不吝赐教 接下来看看各个函数吧还是: SPI write /** * spi_write - SPI synchronous write * @spi: device to which data will be written * …
The other day, I arrived at the SAP LABS CHINA for interview with my pleasure. That gave me a chance to know the concept of cloud computing. We have a communication in English a few minutes , it's stimulating. And I get a point of view That English…
云计算SPI(SaaS.PaaS.IaaS) The other day, I arrived at the SAP LABS CHINA for interview with my pleasure. That gave me a chance to know the concept of cloud computing. We have a communication in English a few minutes , it's stimulating. And I get a poin…
一.先谈几个重要的东西 virtual memory是一个抽象概念,书上的原文是"an abstraction of main memory known as virtual memory"(参考资料p776).那么什么是抽象概念.下面说说我个人对这个东西的理解. 所谓抽象概念是指抽象出来的概念,通过抽象这个动作得到的结果.那么抽象这个动作又是什么,即是怎么一个动作,思维做了什么动作或者做了一系列什么动作.举个生活中的例子,现在有排球.足球.篮球.乒乓球,我们按照某个方向(共性)对排球…