Codeforces 725B Food on the Plane】的更多相关文章

B. Food on the Plane time limit per test:2 seconds memory limit per test:256 megabytes input:standard input output:standard output A new airplane SuperPuperJet has an infinite number of rows, numbered with positive integers starting with 1 from cockp…
题目链接: E. Points on Plane time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output On a plane are n points (xi, yi) with integer coordinates between 0 and 106. The distance between the two points wi…
CodeForces 725A: 思路就是如果"最左"不是'>'这个了,那么这个右边的一定不可能到达左边了: 同理最右: CodeForces 725B: 有两个空姐,一个从第1行开始照顾1,2两行:另一个从第二行开始照顾3,4两行,对每个乘客,给他东西需要1个单位时间,换一行需要一个单位时间:然后两个空姐同时处理,对每一行都是fed,abc,然后换行,两个空姐同时处理完两行以后,跳两行继续处理: 思路: 我就是先把处理了几个乘客算出来,然后再计算一个跨越时间: CodeForc…
B. Plane of Tanks: Pro Time Limit: 20 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description Vasya has been playing Plane of Tanks with his friends the whole year. Now it is time to divide the participants into several…
C. Points on Plane Time Limit: 1 Sec Memory Limit: 256 MB 题目连接 Description On a plane are n points (xi, yi) with integer coordinates between 0 and 106. The distance between the two points with numbers a and… (题目链接) 题意 A,B两人玩坦克大战,坦克有生命值,射击间隔,伤害范围,未命中的概率.问A赢的概率是多少. Solution 直接做并不好做,注意到精度要求只有$10^{-4}$,也就是说当射击次数达到一定上限之后,满足了精度要求我们就可以不做了.我们考虑按照时间dp.怎么设计状态呢,如果$f[i][j]$表示A还剩$i$点生命值,B还剩$j$点生命值,这样复杂度太高了,我们考虑将A和B剩余生命分开…
[题目]C. Points on Plane [题意]给定坐标系中n个点的坐标(范围[0,10^6]),求一种 [ 连边形成链后总长度<=2.5*10^9 ] 的方案.n<=10^6. [算法]思维题(分块思想) [题解]将这个10^6*10^6的矩阵划分为1000个10^3*10^6的矩阵,第奇数个矩阵内部按y升序连边,第偶数个矩阵内部按y降序连边,两个矩阵之间就直接连边. 1.到达每个点横坐标要移动10^3,总距离10^9. 2.每个矩阵内部纵坐标要移动10^6,总距离10^9. 3.矩阵…
Points on Plane Problem's Link Mean: 在二维坐标中给定n个点,求一条哈密顿通路. analyse: 一开始忽略了“无需保证路径最短”这个条件,一直在套最短哈密顿通路的模板,无限TLE. 简单的构造,首先对x坐标设一个阀值,分段输出,从下到上.再从上到下.在从下到上...直到所有点输出完为止. 当然也可横向扫描输出. Time complexity: O(N) Source code:  ;;;;)                  ;}…
题目描述 On a plane are nn points ( x_{i}xi​ , y_{i}yi​ ) with integer coordinates between 00 and 10^{6}106 . The distance between the two points with numbers aa and bb is said to be the following value:  (the distance calculated by such formula is calle…
                                                                          C. Points on Plane On a plane are n points (xi, yi) with integer coordinates between 0 and 106. The distance between the two points with numbers a and bis said to be the follow…