Unable to resolve persistence unit root URL】的更多相关文章

异常信息 时间:2017-03-07 11:46:05,516 - 级别:[ WARN] - 消息: [other] The web application [ROOT] appears to have started a thread named [Abandoned connection cleanup thread] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of…
wget url 报错:unable to resolve host address ‘url’,显然是无法解析主机地址,这就能看出是DNS解析的问题.解决办法就是配置可用的dns 一般是修改成为谷歌提供的免费DNS:,今天教大家如何修改ubuntu的DNS域名解析服务器. ①.要更改ubuntu DNS必须编辑文件 - “/etc/resolv.conf”,打开“终端应用程序”-“附件” - “终端”,(如果是server版本就不需要这系列操作)在终端里输入下面的…
运行审核流模块: 在ActivitiServiceApplication模块日志报错: Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the auto-configuration report re-run your application with 'debug' enabled.2018-01-26 16:01:45.018 ERROR 10036 --- [ main] o.s.boot.SpringApplication : Applicat…
问题: root@wiki:~# sudo lsb_release -a sudo: unable to resolve host wiki No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS Release: 14.04 Codename: trusty 可见我的主机名为wiki(机器hostname),每次执行sudo 就会出现这个警告sudo: unable to reso…
//Situation System prompts that:"wget: unable to resolve host address".   //Analysis   Unable to resolve host address means the problem of DNS(Domain Name System).    //Solution   To fix the problem, the configuration file "resolv.conf"…
由于更换硬盘没有删除系统自启动读取挂载硬盘导致系统报错:fsck.ext4 unable to resolve 'UUID=a4a7a0f7-b54f-4774-9fb1' 此时进入系统已root模式进去就只是只读的模式: 启动进入系统: cat /etc/fstab UUID=a4a7a0f7-b54f-4774-9fb1 对应的是/data   系统现在是只读状态: mount -o remount rw / chmod a+rw /etc/fstab vi /etc/fstab 删除UUI…
这篇文章帮了我的大忙了:转载自:http://wilber82.blog.51cto.com/1124820/724472 今天在做服务器补丁部署,有一台ESX4.1的服务器在升级后重启过程中挂了,通过iLO口登陆看到如下信息: fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=34d192db-17eb-442e-9613-c5c24c6fa9fa' And *** An error occurred during the file system check. *** Dr…
[root@one ~]# wget www.baidu.com --2017-09-24 10:20:23-- http://www.baidu.com/ Resolving http... failed: Temporary failure in name resolution. wget: unable to resolve host address “http” 解决方案: [root@one ~]# vim /etc/resolv.conf The DNS server seems o…
Linux系统运行yum安装rpm包的时候提示wget unable to resolve host addresswget:无法解析主机地址.这就能看出是DNS解析的问题. 错误提示 wget: unable to resolve host address 解决办法: 1.登入root(VPS).2.进入/etc/resolv.conf.3.修改内容为下nameserver #google域名服务器nameserver #google域名服务器…
I'm using ubuntu14 LTS. Problems: 1. When run roscore, got a mistake and an advice to ping the localhost. 2. Nearly every time I run a directive with sudo, I got a warning that unable to resolve host. It turns out, the reason is I changed the ubuntu…