今天在阿里云虚拟机上部署新站点后出现下面的错误:server error in '/' applecation Compiler Error Message: CS0016: Could not write to output file 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\xx' -- 'Access is denied. ' 错误图片如下: 找遍了网上的资料最后总结为以下几步…
网上有IIS7的解决方法,是给"C:\Windows\Temp"文件夹加上添加用户IIS_IUSRS的完全控制权限. 但我这个老机器是IIS6的,没有IIS_IUSERS用户,只能给Everyone用户加上完全控制权了,没想到 真的好用了. 其他事项: >>>重启iis: 运行命令 iisreset /RESTART >>>网站配置时注意要选中”脚本和可执行文件“…
Git Basics Getting a Git Repository Initializing a Repository in an Existing Directory For Linux: $ cd /home/user/my_project For Mac OS: $ cd /Users/user/my_project For Windows: $ cd /c/user/my_project and type: $ git init $ git add *.c $ git add LIC…
git status: git status命令的输出十分详细,但其用语有些繁琐. 如果你使用 git status -s 命令或 git status --short 命令,你将得到一种更为紧凑的格式输出: $ git status -s M README MM Rakefile A lib/git.rb M lib/simplegit.rb ?? LICENSE.txt ??:新添加,未跟踪 右M:被修改,未放入暂存区 左M:被修改,放入暂存区 A:新添加,放入暂存区 git status…
功能 在提交了若干更新,又或者克隆了某个项目之后,你也许想回顾下提交历史. 完成这个任务最简单而又有效的方法是 使用git log 命令. 参数 不带任何参数 $ git log commit ca82a6dff817ec66f44342007202690a93763949 Author: Scott Chacon <> Date: Mon Mar :: - changed the version number commit 085bb3bcb608e1…
JBoss 7 is slightly different than earlier version JBoss 5 or 6. The procedure to enable access logs in JBoss 7 is also changed and you must be familiar on how to enable access logs in JBoss 7. Go to JBoss/standalone/configuration folder Add followin…
档 ID 420787.1 White Paper Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Access Control for Custom Code Checked for relevance on 12-JAN-2011 See Change Record This document discusses how to update the customization code that is affected by the access con…
1. INTRODUCTION   The main goal of the National Computer Security Center is to encourage the widespread availability of trusted computer systems. In support of that goal a metric was created, the Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluati…
现在需要分析访问日志,怎么办? 比如分析D:\Servers\Apache2.2\logs\access2014-05-22.log针对这个问题特意开发了一款小工具分析Apache 日志,拆分字段成CSV文件并插入Mysql数据库分析 <?php $date = '2014-05-22'; file_put_contents($date.'.csv', ''); file_put_contents($date.'.csv', '"IP…