一.Binlog File Binlog files start with a Binlog File Header followed by a series of Binlog Event Binlog文件从一个Binlog文件头开始,接着是一系列的Binlog事件. 1 Binlog File Header(文件头) A binlog file starts with a Binlog File Header [ fe 'bin' ] 每一个binlog文件头都是fe bin,十六进制如下(…
一.TABLE_MAP_EVENT Used for row-based binary logging beginning with MySQL 5.1.5.The TABLE_MAP_EVENT defines the structure if the tables that are about to be changed. 用于从MySQL 5.1.5开始的基于行的二进制日志记录.每个ROW_EVENT之前都有一个TABLE_MAP_EVENT,用于描述表的内部ID和结构定义. 1)触发条件…