Max Chunks To Make Sorted II LT768】的更多相关文章

This question is the same as "Max Chunks to Make Sorted" except the integers of the given array are not necessarily distinct, the input array could be up to length 2000, and the elements could be up to 10**8. Given an array arr of integers (not…
766. Toeplitz Matrix 第一题不说,贼麻瓜,好久没以比赛的状态写题,这个题浪费了快40分钟,我真是...... 767. Reorganize String 就是给你一个字符串,能不能转换成:任意一个字符S[i],使得S[i-1]和S[i+1]都不等于S[i].如果能输出,不能就输出一个空字符串. 大一的时候好像有印象,队友做出来的,贪心吧,如果遇到相邻两个一样的,就从后面找一个插到中间,具体原理我也不知道为什么,反正是对的,从头到尾扫一遍,再倒着来一遍,为什么要两边我也不知道…
This question is the same as "Max Chunks to Make Sorted" except the integers of the given array are not necessarily distinct, the input array could be up to length 2000, and the elements could be up to 10**8. Given an array arr of integers (not…
This question is the same as "Max Chunks to Make Sorted" except the integers of the given array are not necessarily distinct, the input array could be up to length 2000, and the elements could be up to 10**8. Given an array arr of integers (not…
This question is the same as "Max Chunks to Make Sorted" except the integers of the given array are not necessarily distinct, the input array could be up to length 2000, and the elements could be up to 10**8. Given an array arr of integers (not…
This question is the same as "Max Chunks to Make Sorted" except the integers of the given array are not necessarily distinct, the input array could be up to length 2000, and the elements could be up to 10**8. Given an array arr of integers (not…
This question is the same as "Max Chunks to Make Sorted" except the integers of the given array are not necessarily distinct, the input array could be up to length 2000, and the elements could be up to 10**8. Given an array arr of integers (not…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 题目地址: 题目描述: This question is the same as "Max Chunks to Make Sorted" except the integers of the given array are not n…
Given an array arr that is a permutation of [0, 1, ..., arr.length - 1], we split the array into some number of "chunks" (partitions), and individually sort each chunk.  After concatenating them, the result equals the sorted array. What is the m…
2018-12-01 11:05:46 一.Max Chunks To Make Sorted 问题描述: 问题求解: 由于没有重复,所以直观的来看对于每个遇到数,其能够被划分出来的前提是其前面已经有相应的数字,具体可以看下面的图片.…