ural1126 Magnetic Storms】的更多相关文章

Magnetic Storms Time limit: 0.5 secondMemory limit: 64 MB The directory of our kindergarten decided to be attentive to the children's health and not to let them walk outdoors during magnetic storms. Special devices that measure and display magnetic i…
1126 最简单的单调队列应用吧 单调队列是指在一个队列中各个元素单调 递增(或者递减),并且各个元素的下标单调 递增. 单调队列的大体操作 进队时,将进队的元素为e,从队尾往前扫描,直到找到一个不大于e的元素d,将e放在d之后,舍弃e之后的所有元素:如果没有找到这样一个d,则将e放在队头(此时队列里只有这一个元素). 出队时,将出队的元素为e,从队头向后扫描,直到找到一个元素f比e后进队,舍弃f之前所有的.(实际操作中,由于是按序逐个出队,所以每次只需要出队只需要比较队头). 每个元素最多进队…
http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1126 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #define maxn 25500 using namespace std; int a[maxn]; struct node { int l,r; int max1; }tree[maxn*]; int max2; void build(int…
http://acm.timus.ru/problem.aspx?space=1&num=1126 简单的线段树求区间最值 #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; ; int a[N],ans ; struct node { int l,r,Max; } tree[N*]; void build(int t,int l,int r) { tr…
NOTES :  A Model of Gas Exchange for Hyperpolarized Xe(129) Magnetic Resonance of the Lung  背景知识: Gas exchange is the essential function of the lung. In general, a lung can be viewed as a porous medium(多孔介质) consisting of capillary(毛细管) circuits with…
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) Effect of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Free Will Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) for Depression Depressive Rumination, the Default-Mode Network, and the Dark Matter of Clinical Neuroscience 参考书籍…
https://www.indooratlas.com/ MaLoc: a practical magnetic fingerprinting approach to indoor localization using smartphones However, tracking the location of a mobile user requiresfrequent Wi-Fi scanning which is quite power hungry. This approach is ba…
Magnetic Fingerprinting Approach to Indoor Localization…
https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Magnetic Magnetic is an ability exclusive to certain Mech minions which allows multiple minions to be merged together. Playing a Magnetic minion to the left of an existing Mech will automatically cause the two minion…
题意:给定平面上$n(3\leq n \leq 1200)$个无三点共线的点,问这些点组成了多少个锐角三角形. 分析:显然任意三点可构成三角形,而锐角三角形不如直角或钝角三角形容易计数,因为后者有且仅有一个角度大于等于$90^{\circ}$的特征角. 于是考虑固定平面上每一个顶点,也就是固定了钝角或直角三角形的一个特征顶点,将其余所有点按照极角排序,然后固定一条侧边,统计有多少条 边和该侧边夹角不小于$90^{\circ}$.这些边必然是连续的,可以使用区间统计的办法,用二分查找在$O(log…