ObservableStore ObservableStore is a synchronous in-memory store for a single value, that you can subscribe to updates on ObservableStore是一个内存中的可以订阅更新的同步存储,只存储一个值 const store = new ObservableStore(initState) stor…
()metamask-extension/app/scripts/controllers/transactions Transaction Controller is an aggregate of sub-controllers and trackers exposed to the MetaMask controller. 交易控制器是暴露于metamask控制器的子控制器和跟踪器的集合 txStateManager responsible for the state of a transa…
这个就是浏览器后台所进行操作的地方了,它就是页面也区块链进行交互的中间部分. metamask-background描述了为web扩展单例的文件app/scripts/background.js.该上下文实例化了一个MetaMask控制器的实例,该实例表示用户的帐户.到区块链的连接以及与新Dapps的交互. Since background.js is essentially the Extension setup file, we can see it doing all the things…
The MetaMask Controller——The central metamask controller. Aggregates other controllers and exports an api. The core functionality of MetaMask all lives in what we call The MetaMask Controller. Our goal for this file is for it to eventually be its own… MetaMask has been under continuous development for nearly two years now, and we’ve gradually discovered some useful abstractions that have allowed us to gr…
The UI-即上图左下角metamask-ui部分,即其图形化界面 The MetaMask UI is essentially just a website that can be configured by passing it the API and state subscriptions from above. Anyone could make a UI that consumes these, effectively reskinning MetaMask. MetaMask UI…
用来探测你的浏览器中有没有安装metamask插件 MetaMask Extension Provider A module for providing a MetaMask provider to other WebExtensions. 即我们使用的: web3.currentProvider 这里的currentProvider就是metamask-extension-provi…
今天在看到App Store 上架过程中,苹果公司反馈的拒绝原因发现了这么一个问题: Legal - 5.1.5 Your app uses background location services but does not clarify the purpose of its use in the location modal alert as required in the iOS Human Interface Guidelines. We've attached screenshot(s…
Move configuration information out of the application deployment package to a centralized location. This pattern can provide opportunities for easier management and control of configuration data, and for sharing configuration data across applications…
写在前面 写React也有段时间了,一直也是用Redux管理数据流,最近正好有时间分析下源码,一方面希望对Redux有一些理论上的认识:另一方面也学习下框架编程的思维方式. Redux如何管理state 注册store tree 1.Redux通过全局唯一的store对象管理项目中的state var store = createStore(reducer,initialState); 2.可以通过store注册listener,注册的listener会在store tree每次变更后执行 st…
答案: 在你这台设备上再设置一下,具体方法是:1.点设置进入2.点iTunes Store 和App Store 3.点 Apple ID ,如果没设置,设置一下,如果有的,再点击 4.出现一上选择的界面,选"查看Apple ID" 5.输入密码后选择 "好" 6.这时进入到"帐户设置",点选"付款信息",进入后可以设置银行卡,我选了"无"7.回到前一页面,点选"国家或地区",进入后选择…
发布报错:Error ITMS-90635 - Invalid Mach-O in bundle - submitting to App store 昨晚上传项目到AppStore,报了这个错,纳尼!?我早上还能成功上传的,当时判断是晚上网速问题导致的,早上再次试了下,还是一样报错,因为CocoPods导入的框架bitCode不一致导致的,解决方案是在Podfile后面加上 post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.ea…