first question: how to show a class children class : move mousrmark to class name , Ctrl + H how to show a class children class in diagram : ctrl + alt + shift + U --next--> ctrl + alt + B --next--> Ctrl + A --> Enter show details…
张艳涛写于2021-2-8日 构建后端项目的时候遇到一个问题,在zyt-auth项目的依赖定义了@Component类,这个类在项目启动的时候提示没有找到bean Field tokenService in com.zyt.zytauth.controller.TokenController required a bean of type '' that could not be found. 问题是:依赖模…
张艳涛写于2021-2-20 今天来个破例了,不用英文写了,今天在家里电脑写的工具不行,简单的说 主题是:java多态的原理与实现 结论是:java的多态 Father father= new Son():father.sayHi(),调用的是father类的方法,father的类是抽象类,那么将方法表中的地址重写为son的sayHi地址就成功了 public abstract class A { public void wangwang(){ System.out.println("WW~~~…
解决 IDEA 创建 Gradle 项目没有src目录问题 in new model named zyt-study root dir there are a build.gradle plugins { id 'java'}group 'org.springframework'version '5.3.4-SNAPSHOT'repositories { mavenCentral()}dependencies { compile(project(":spring-context"…
write by 张艳涛 in 202210210,after today i will write aritles by english,because english is so diffent from chiness that i can't understand english in java,spring doc notice ,so i begin to use english for a lifelong time. atthought is hard for me ,but…
原文 在SQL Server中查看对象依赖关系 Viewing object dependencies in SQL Server Deleting or changing objects may affect other database objects like views or procedures that depends on them and in certain instances, can “break” the depending object. An example ca…
张艳涛 写于2021-1-19 报错: Missing space before function parentheses 如果开启用vue-li 构建项目的时候选择开启,则不符合eslint 在npm run dev 就会报错 那么需要更改配置,使得npm run dev 能通过,网上说有两处,一处将其注解,一处将其改为false ,具体原理准备阅读node.js的书籍来了解 上图…