rdesktop install notes】的更多相关文章

在centos7上安装rdesktop来访问windows桌面,需要安装EPEL源,另外还有需要安装专门的YUM源. rpm -Uvh https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm rpm -Uvh http://li.nux.ro/download/nux/dextop/el7/x86_64/nux-dextop-release-0-1.el7.nux.noarch.rpmyum -y instal…
Overview / Purpose of this guide These instructions are for aimed at users of Windows but a lot of the information will work for other OS users. I wrote these instructions just to clear few things up so next time I flashed a BT Home Hub 5 Model A (HH…
前言: 前段时间,处理公司打印机服务器Linux化工作.遇到问题如下:hp1020.hp1008断电后不能继续打印.而其他打印机在连接Linux打印机的情况下,断电后也能正常打印. 鉴于此情况,我搜寻了网上不少资料,发现hp1020.hp1008机身没有固件--firmware,需要随驱动一起写入到打印机内存才能继续打印.  也就是说hp1020.hp1008的固件存放位置时内存. 由于Windows系统的用户数量庞大,背后技术团队解决了这种缺少机身固件的问题.----这种特征体现于,重启连接W…
NewPascal is a breath of fresh air and long tradition! NewPascal offers a ready-to-be-used and up-to-date FPC and Lazarus environment. NewPascal exists to help both FPC/Lazarus and mORMot Open Source projects. This distribution is similar to what Ubu…
layout: post title: 2018-05-27-computer-using-hints-电脑使用帮助 key: 20180527 tags: ubuntu cuda cudnn tensorflow gym qq ssh modify_date: 2018-05-27 --- 2018-05-27-computer-using-hints-电脑使用帮助 说明: 本文发布于: gitee,github,博客园 转载和引用请指明原作者和连接及出处. 内容和使用: 此文为了将hints…
Table of Contents 1. MHA简介 1.1. 功能 1.2. MHA切换逻辑 1.3. 工具 2. 环境 2.1. 软件 2.2. 环境 3. Mysql 主从复制 3.1. Mysql数据同步方式 3.1.1. 异步复制(Asynchronous replication) 3.1.2. 全同步复制(Fully synchronous replication) 3.1.3. 半同步复制(Semisynchronous replication) 3.2. 搭建Mysql 主从架构…
因为墙的原因,打不开.特此转一下: HOWTO Introduction OpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN which implements OSI layer 2 or 3 secure network extension using the industry standard SSL/TLS protocol, supports flexible client authentication methods based on certificates, sm…
目录 1. 安装certbot 2. certbot 介绍 3. 插件的具体使用 3.1 webroot 3.2 standalone 3.3 DNS plugins 3.4 manual 4. 证书管理 4.1 查看已经申请的证书 4.2 重新创建和更新证书 4.3 改变证书的域名 4.4 撤销证书(revoking certificates) 4.5 更新证书 5. 其它问题 野卡证书 命令 certbot --help all 6. 参考地址 1. 安装certbot 申请证书的工具:官方…
New Features, Feature Enhancements and Behavior ChangesSubforms – Behavior Change for Unsupported Task ModeStarting with this version, if an Online task that is running in a Subform control cannot be executed, the task and the host task will remain o…
homepage faq contribute bugs questions Git for Windows v2.11.0 Release Notes Latest update: December 1st 2016 Introduction These release notes describe issues specific to the Git for Windows release. The release notes covering the history of the core…