You can easily remove them using vim, here are the steps: 1) In your terminal, open the file using vim: vim file_name 2) Remove all BOM characters: :set nobomb 3) Save the file: :wq 或使用Notepad++打开文件后,“格式”--->“以UTF-8无BOM格式编码” 然后保 ---------------------…
You can easily remove them using vim, here are the steps: 1) In your terminal, open the file using vim: vim file_name 2) Remove all BOM characters: :set nobomb 3) Save the file: :wq 备注:所谓 BOM,全称是Byte Order Mark,它是一个Unicode字符,通常出现在文本的开头,用来标识字节序 (Big/L…
Eclipse中新建一个.properties文件,如果输入中文保存时就会提示错误 Reason:some characters cannot be mapped using "ISO-8859-1" character encoding.Either change the encoding or remove the characters which are not supportedby the "ISO-8859-1" character encoding.…
//commndline: doxygen Doxyfile /**comment /* /** time diff@pre precondition@post endcondition@throw exceptions @param start The start time 参数 @param end The end time @returns timespec a number 返回值 */ timespec diff(timespec start, timespec end) {} 复用D…
Git Basics Getting a Git Repository Initializing a Repository in an Existing Directory For Linux: $ cd /home/user/my_project For Mac OS: $ cd /Users/user/my_project For Windows: $ cd /c/user/my_project and type: $ git init $ git add *.c $ git add LIC…