Linux:CentOS7 python: 系统默认python版本2.7,利用python启动 自己安装python版本3.8,利用python3启动 问题描述: 在上述环境中利用virtualenvwrapper创建虚拟环境时,发生以下错误 /usr/bin/python: No module named virtualenvwrapper There was a problem running the initialization hooks.…
when setting python environment in Ubuntu13.04, i got this error: ImportError: No module named _sysconfigdata_nd After searching from google, i found that The "No module named _sysconfigdata_nd" is a bug in the Ubuntu package. so, here is the so…
好记性不如烂笔头. I encountered the same ImportError today while trying to use pip. Somehow the setuptools package had been deleted in my Python environment. To fix the issue, run the setup script for setuptools: wget -O…