git 提交代码是会遇到以下问题, git commit 代码时提示: Warning: Your console font probably doesn‘t support Unicode. If you experience trange characters in the output, consider switching to a TrueType font such as ucida Console! 这是代码中含有中文导致的,且把代码改为utf-8也是解决不了的,查询了很多资料,最…
Linux上通过mysql命令访问MySQL数据库时常见问题汇总 1)创建登录账号 #创建用户并授权 #允许本地访问 create user 'test'@'localhost' identified by '123456'; #允许外网访问 create user 'test'@'%' identified by '123456'; #grant 权限 on 数据库.* to '用户名'@'登录主机' identified by '密码'; #原始密码为:123456 加密后的密码为:*6B…
IntelliJ IDEA 提交代码时出现:Code analysis failed with exception: com.intellij.psi...... 错误原因: 当我们勾选Perform code analysis之后,点击commit,IntelliJ IDEA 就会在提交代码之前对项目的代码进行分析检查,并将检查结果以错误和警告的形式展示出来 错误展示: IntelliJ IDEA 编译时,报错. 报错信息如下: Code analysis failed with except…