Codeforces Educational Codeforces Round 44 (Rated for Div. 2) F. Isomorphic Strings 题目连接: Description You are given a string s of length n consisting of lowercase English letters. For two given strings s an…
Codeforces Educational Codeforces Round 44 (Rated for Div. 2) E. Pencils and Boxes 题目连接: Description Mishka received a gift of multicolored pencils for his birthday! Unfortunately he lives in a monochrome w…
E. Thief in a Shop 题目连接: Description A thief made his way to a shop. As usual he has his lucky knapsack with him. The knapsack can contain k objects. There are n kinds of products in the shop and an inf…
E - Thief in a Shop 题目大意:给你n ( n <= 1000)个物品每个物品的价值为ai (ai <= 1000),你只能恰好取k个物品,问你能组成哪些价值. 思路:我们很容易能够想到dp[ i ][ j ]表示取i次j是否存在,但是复杂度1e12肯定不行. 我们将ai排序,每个值都减去a[1]然后再用dp[ i ]表示到达i这个值最少需要取几次,只需要1e9就能完成, 我们扫一遍dp数组,如果dp[ i ] <= k 则说明 i + k * a[1]是能取到的.…
E. Thief in a Shop A thief made his way to a shop. As usual he has his lucky knapsack with him. The knapsack can contain k objects. There are n kinds of products in the shop and an infinite number of products of each kind. The cost of one product o…
题目链接: A. Diplomas and Certificates 题解:水题 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> using namespace std; typedef long long ll; int main() { ll n , k; cin >> n >> k; ll gg = n / 2;…
题目链接: 题意:开始文本为空,可以选择话费时间x输入或删除一个字符,也可以选择复制并粘贴一串字符(即长度变为两倍),问要获得长度为n的串所需最少的时间. 思路:dp[i]表示获得长度为i的串所需要的最短时间,分i为奇数和偶数讨论. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int N=1e7+3; typedef long long ll; ll…
E. Analysis of Pathes in Functional Graph time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 512 megabytes input standard input output standard output You are given a functional graph. It is a directed graph, in which from each vertex goes exactly o…
D. Road to Post Office time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output Vasiliy has a car and he wants to get from home to the post office. The distance which he needs to pass equals to d ki…