P3486 [POI2009]KON-Ticket Inspector 题目描述 Byteasar works as a ticket inspector in a Byteotian National Railways (BNR) express train that connects Byteburg with Bitwise. The third stage of the BNR reform (The never ending saga of BNR reforms and the Bi…
博弈论转化 本题的限制条件很多,我们尝试转化, 我们发现,定义 c[i] 为第 i 堆可以取得数量,如果第 i 堆取出了 x ,那么 c[i] - x , c[i + 1] + x 我们发现这是一个反着的阶梯Nim,qwq #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int T, n, num[1005],…
问题描述 Byteasar works as a ticket inspector in a Byteotian National Railways (BNR) express train that connects Byteburg with Bitwise. The third stage of the BNR reform (The never ending saga of BNR reforms and the Bitwise hub was presented in the probl…