[CF622F]The Sum of the k-th Powers】的更多相关文章

CF622F The Sum of the k-th Powers 题意:给\(n\)和\(k\),让你求\(\sum\limits_{i = 1} ^ n i^k \ mod \ 10^9 + 7\).\((1 \le n \le 10^9,0 \le k \le 10^6)\) 好,我们先不看题,来补一些数学. 考虑这样一个序列 \[ h_0,h_1,\dots,h_n,\dots \] 我们定义它的一个差分序列(一阶) \[ \Delta h_0, \Delta h_1, \dots ,…
题面 TJOI2018出CF原题弱化版是不是有点太过分了?对,就是 TJOI2018 教科书般的亵渎 然而我这个问题只会那个题的范围的m^3做法 回忆一下1到n求和是二次的,平方求和公式是三次的,立方求和公式是四次的,那m次方求和公式一定是个m+1次多项式 直接扔m+2个值进去把它插出来,因为是连续的可以做到线性(不算逆元) #include<cstdio> ,mod=1e9+; int n,k,ans,sum,fac[N],pre[N],suf[N]; int Qpow(int x,int…
Return the length of the shortest, non-empty, contiguous subarray of A with sum at least K. If there is no non-empty subarray with sum at least K, return -1. Example 1: Input: A = [1], K = 1 Output: 1 Example 2: Input: A = [1,2], K = 4 Output: -1 Exa…
Return the length of the shortest, non-empty, contiguous subarray of A with sum at least K. If there is no non-empty subarray with sum at least K, return -1. Example 1: Input: A = [1], K = 1 Output: 1 Example 2: Input: A = [1,2], K = 4 Output: -1 Exa…
https://leetcode.com/problems/shortest-subarray-with-sum-at-least-k/ 首先回顾一下求max子数组的值的方法是:记录一个前缀min值,然后扫一遍sum数组. 1.首先这里不需要最大,因为刚好够k就好了 2.这里需要距离最短.就是数组的长度最短. 这里的思路也一样,不过保存很多个min值,就是用一个队列,保存前缀的min值,不需要最min,只不过有更小的就更好. 也就是如果sum数组的值是: ..... 60, 40.....Y..…
Return the length of the shortest, non-empty, contiguous subarray of A with sum at least K. If there is no non-empty subarray with sum at least K, return -1. Example 1: Input: A = [1], K = 1 Output: 1 Example 2: Input: A = [1,2], K = 4 Output: -1 Exa…
Return the length of the shortest, non-empty, contiguous subarray of A with sum at least K. If there is no non-empty subarray with sum at least K, return -1. Example 1: Input: A = [1], K = 1 Output: 1 Example 2: Input: A = [1,2], K = 4 Output: -1 Exa…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客:http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 暴力求解 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/two-sum-less-than-k/ 题目描述 Given an array A of integers and integer K, return the maximum S such that there exists i < j with A[i] +…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: http://fuxuemingzhu.cn/ 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 队列 日期 题目地址:https://leetcode.com/problems/shortest-subarray-with-sum-at-least-k/ 题目描述 Return the length of the shortest, non-empty, contiguous subarray of A with sum at least K.…
题目大意:给你$n,k(n\leqslant10^9,k\leqslant10^6)$,求:$$\sum\limits_{i=1}^ni^k\pmod{10^9+7}$$ 题解:可以猜测是一个$k+1$次的多项式,可以求出$x$在$0,1,2,3,\dots,k+1$时的值,设为$s_0,s_1,\dots,s_{k+1}$,根据拉格朗日插值公式: $$\begin{align*}f_n&=\sum\limits_{i=0}^{k+1}y_i\prod\limits_{j=0,j\not=i}^…
题意 给出 \(n,k\) , \(n\le10^9,k\le10^6\) ,求 \(\sum_{i=1}^n i^k(mod\;10^9+7)\) 题解 自然数幂次和,是一个\(k+1\)次多项式,那么算出\(k+2\)个值然后差值就行了 //minamoto #include<bits/stdc++.h> #define R register #define fp(i,a,b) for(R int i=a,I=b+1;i<I;++i) #define fd(i,a,b) for(R…
Given an array of integers nums and a positive integer k, find whether it's possible to divide this array into knon-empty subsets whose sums are all equal. Example 1: Input: nums = [4, 3, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1], k = 4 Output: True Explanation: It's possible…
/** 题目:Kanade's sum 链接:http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=6058 题意:给定[1,n]的排列,定义f(l,r,k)表示区间[l,r]内的第k(k <= min(n,80))大的数,如果[l,r]没有k个数,那么为0,.给定一个k,求所有f(l,r,k)的和. 思路:从小到大枚举数x,维护一个>=x的链表,跳k个查询左边>x的k个,右边>x的k个.计算之后,O(1)删除x. 比赛的时候,,刚好反过来了,用的是从…
区间sum 描述 有一个长度为n的正整数序列a1--an,candy想知道任意区间[L,R]的和,你能告诉他吗? 输入 第一行一个正整数n(0<n<=1e6),第二行为长度为n的正整数序列 a1到an(ai<=1e9,sum(a)<=1e18),第三行一个正整数m(m<=1e6),表示询问次数,随后m行,每行两个正整数L,R(1<=L<=R<=n). 输出 m行输出,对应m次询问结果 样例输入1 复制 5 1 4 3 6 3 3 1 3 2 2 1 5 样例…
原题链接在这里:https://leetcode.com/problems/two-sum-less-than-k/ 题目: Given an array A of integers and integer K, return the maximum S such that there exists i < j with A[i] + A[j] = S and S < K. If no i, jexist satisfying this equation, return -1. Example…
Given an array A of integers and integer K, return the maximum S such that there exists i < j with A[i] + A[j] = S and S < K. If no i, j exist satisfying this equation, return -1. Example 1: Input: A = [34,23,1,24,75,33,54,8], K = 60 Output: 58 Expl…
问题 E: Envious Exponents 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB提交: 321  解决: 53[提交] [状态] [讨论版] [命题人:] 题目描述 Alice and Bob have an integer N. Alice and Bob are not happy with their integer. Last night they went to a cocktail party and found that another couple had th…
Subarray Sum Given an integer array, find a subarray where the sum of numbers is zero. Your code should return the index of the first number and the index of the last number. Notice There is at least one subarray that it's sum equals to zero. Example…
转自  http://tech-wonderland.net/blog/summary-of-ksum-problems.html 前言: 做过leetcode的人都知道, 里面有2sum, 3sum(closest), 4sum等问题, 这些也是面试里面经典的问题, 考察是否能够合理利用排序这个性质, 一步一步得到高效的算法. 经过总结, 本人觉得这些问题都可以使用一个通用的K sum求和问题加以概括消化, 这里我们先直接给出K Sum的问题描述和算法(递归解法), 然后将这个一般性的方法套用…
Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k.Example 1:Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2Output: 2Note:The length of the array is in range [1, 20,000].The range of numbers in th…
Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2 Output: 2 Note: The length of the array is in range [1, 20,000]. The range of numbers…
Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2 Output: 2 Note: The length of the array is in range [1, 20,000]. The range of numbers…
Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2 Output: 2  Note: The length of the array is in range [1, 20,000]. The range of number…
Given an array of integers nums and a positive integer k, find whether it's possible to divide this array into k non-empty subsets whose sums are all equal. Example 1: Input: nums = [4, 3, 2, 3, 5, 2, 1], k = 4 Output: True Explanation: It's possible…
Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2 Output: 2 Note: The length of the array is in range [1, 20,000]. The range of numbers…
[抄题]: Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2 Output: 2 [暴力解法]: 时间分析: 空间分析: [优化后]: 时间分析: 空间分析: [奇葩输出条件]: [奇葩corner case]: [思维…
Subarray Sum Given an integer array, find a subarray where the sum of numbers is zero. Your code should return the index of the first number and the index of the last number. Notice There is at least one subarray that it's sum equals to zero. Example…
Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2 Output: 2 Note: The length of the array is in range [1, 20,000]. The range of numbers…
Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2 Output: 2 Note: The length of the array is in range [1, 20,000]. The range of numbers…
Given an array of integers and an integer k, you need to find the total number of continuous subarrays whose sum equals to k. Example 1: Input:nums = [1,1,1], k = 2 Output: 2 Note: The length of the array is in range [1, 20,000]. The range of numbers…