Uva220 Othello】的更多相关文章

 Othello  Othello is a game played by two people on an 8 x 8 board, using disks that are white on one side and black on the other. One player places disks with the white side up and the other player places disks with the black side up. The players al…
书上具体所有题目:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hssH0KO 代码:(Accepted,0 ms) //UVa 220 - Othello #include<iostream> char Board[11][11], Current, Command[5]; bool Flag, L_Refresh;//flag用于空格的输出,同时可以判断出本局是不是当前颜色的棋子无路可走 int Times, Num[2];//Num:0白1黑 int Rx[] = { 0, 0,1,-…
8.8 Othello is played as follows: Each Othello piece is white on one side and black on the other. When a piece is surrounded by its opponents on both the left and right sides, or both the top and bottom, it is said to be captured and its color is fli…
利用上一篇的框架,再写了个翻转棋的程序,为了调试minimax算法,花了两天的时间. 几点改进说明: 拆分成四个文件:board.py,player.py,ai.py,othello.py.使得整个结构更清晰,更通用,更易于维护. AI 的水平跟 minimax 的递归深度,以及评价函数有关.基于此,我把 minimax 和评价函数都放到 AI 类里面 AIPlayer 使用了多重继承.继承了 Player 与 AI 两个类 Game 类中把原run函数里的生成两个玩家的部分提出来,写成一个函数…
Othello Othello is a game played by two people on an 8 x 8 board, using disks that are white on one side and black on the other. One player places disks with the white side up and the other player places disks with the black side up. The players alte…
题意:输入n,代表次数,每次输入8*8的棋盘,处理3种命令:①L:打印所有合法操作,②M:放棋子,③Q:打印棋盘然后退出. 思路:①用字符数组存棋盘,整型数组存合法位置. ②查找的方法:当前玩家为cur,遍历棋盘,发现棋子颜色为cur,就从此位置,向8个方向查找,查找到有back(对手),就置flag为1, 继续查找,查找到'-',即为合法位置,记录此位置,换方向查找. ③放棋子:和查找思路类似,修改放下的棋子后,从此位置向8个方向查找,查找到cur,cntBack++,继续查找,查找到有bac…
[链接] 我是链接,点我呀:) [题意] [题解] legal被我打成leagal... 然后注意输出坐标的时候,格式是%2d.. 然后就没啥难的了.. [代码] #include <bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; const int dx[8]={0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,1}; const int dy[8]={-1,-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1}; const int N = 10; char s[N+10][N+10]; char op…
一:题目 系统提示当前旗手W/B(白/黑)下子,例如W下子,那么W下的位置必须是夹住黑色棋子的位置才可以. 夹住方式:横向.竖向.斜向 注意落子后将夹住的黑棋吞噬变为白棋 (一)题目详解 .棋盘以数组表示,“W”表示白子,“B”表示黑子,“-”表示空格 .棋盘大小8行8列 (二)样例输入 2 //第一行是游戏局数 -------- //开始输入棋盘 -------- -------- ---WB--- ---BW--- -------- -------- -------- W //棋盘后,直接输…
ChessBoard.h #ifndef __CHESS_BOARD_H__ #define __CHESS_BOARD_H__ #include "DataStruct.h" #define COL_WIDTH 45 #define ROW_WIDTH 45 class CChessBoard : public CWnd { private: CBitmap m_bitBlackChess, m_bitWhiteChess; CBitmap m_bitChessBoard; CBit…
Chapter 1. Arrays and Strings 1.1 Unique Characters of a String 1.2 Reverse String 1.3 Permutation String 1.4 Replace Spaces 1.5 Compress String 1.6 Rotate Image 1.7 Set Matrix Zeroes 1.8 String Rotation Chapter 2. Linked Lists 2.1 Remove Duplicates…