Enabling Active Directory Authentication for VMWare Server running on Linux Version 0.2 - Adam Breidenbaugh - 2007-06-29 Purpose The purpose of this guide is as follows: Document the steps necessary to enable Active Directory Authentication on a Linu…
其要点或者容易出错的关键点是:(<>及其中说明代表需要替换的内容)         Host: ads.yourdomain.com         Host填AD服务器的域名或IP          Port: 389                                       Port默认389端口,可以用telnet <ad server ip>  389  来测试你的域控端口是否可以访问          Principal: cn=Administrato…
Windows Server 2016 is the newest server operating system released by Microsoft in October 12th, 2016. In this tutorial I will go through step by step on how to install the Active Directory ( AD ) role on Windows Server 2016. If you are setting up th…
活动目录Active Directory是用于Windows Server的目录服务,它存储着网络上各种对象的有关信息,并使该信息易于管理员和用户查找及使用.Active Directory使用结构化的数据存储作为目录信息的逻辑层次结构的基础. 在某些情况下我们需要通过程序来读取Active Directory中的信息,我们可以使用微软提供的ADSI(Active Directory Services Interface).ADSI是一组以COM接口形式提供的目录 服务,因此任何支持COM编程的…
I know that blog post title is sure a mouth-full, but it describes the whole problem I was trying to solve in a recent project. The Project Let me outline the project briefly.  We were building a report dashboard-type site that will live inside the c…
问题描述 使用中国区的Azure,在获取Token时候,参考了 adal4j的代码,在官方文档中,发现了如下的片段代码: ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1); AuthenticationContext context = new AuthenticationContext(AUTHORITY, false, service); Future<AuthenticationResult> future = conte…
SQL Server 2016以后支持Azure AD集成验证,这当中有些数据驱动必须在高版本才可以使用,支持的包括sqlcmd,SSDT,JDBC,ODBC,SSMS等. 对于SSIS来讲,我们需要新建一个ADO.NET的数据连接,把Authentication改成ActiveDirectoryIntegrated,把Integrated Security改成false.…
There are interesting new features now made available in Windows Server 2016 such as time based group membership, privileged access management, and others. Most will be covered in future posts. This post will detail how to install active directory on…
Required Details LDAP address (For e.g.: myjeeva.com or IP of the Domain Controller/Global Catalog[GC]) Port # (For e.g.: 3289 or 389) where would you to like search user details? Domain Username Domain Password Important Reference: will introduce yo…
TechTarget中国原创] 应用基于云的Microsoft Azure Active Directory,管理员们可以将本地Active Directory整合到Windows Server中.通过这种方法,我们可以只是用一个普通的身份和一个访问机制就可以同时管理本地访问和云访问. Azure活动目录(AD)Connect已经取代了以前的老式工具,如微软公司推出的DirSync和Azure AD Sync.Azure AD Connect由三个主要部分组成:同步模块.联合模块和监控模块.同步…