由innodb_purge_threads控制purge线程数. (>= 5.6.5)的版本号中该值默觉得1.最大值为32.默认值1表示innodb的purge操作被分离到purge线程中,master thread不再做purge操作. The number of background threads devoted to the InnoDB purge operation. The new default and minimum value of 1 in MySQL 5.6.5 sign…
在搭建Mysql主从复制时候,在执行完相关操作以后,通过命令查看是否主从复制成功的时候 show slave status\G; 在"Slave_SQL_Running_State"中出现了"Fatal error: The slave I/O thread stopsbecause master and slave have equal MySQL server UUIDs; these UUIDs must bedifferent for replication to w…