1. Unknown type name 'class'; did you mean 'Class' 问题解决方法 objectice-c 工程中的类(比如 类 A)使用 C++ 文件时 A.m 文件需要更改为 A.mm , 而且包含 A.h 的其他类(比如 类 B )的B.m 文件也需要更改为 B.mm 2. _crc32", referenced from: _zipWriteInFileInZip in 使用 zip 解压 要导入 libz.tbd 的 framework…
前言 elementUI的报错汇总 错误 please transfer a valid prop path to form item! vue.esm.js?c5de:628 [Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "Error: please transfer a valid prop path to form item!" found in ---> <ElFormItem> at packages/form/src/form-it…
selenium报错汇总 报错:[error] Could not connect to Selenium Server. Have you started the Selenium Server yet? 解决:selenium两种驱动方式,一是use selenium IDE,一种是use selenium webdriver.在options里去掉勾选enable webdriver playback即可. Google答案地址. http://sqa.stackexchange.com/…
今天在写程序的时候,使用Xcode 运行工程时报出下面的错误错信息,我还以为是什么呢,好久没遇到过这样的错误了. **ProjectName[1512:778965] This application is modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread after the engine was accessed from the main thread. This can lead to engine corruption an…
近期,使用师兄的project时.突然报错之前没发现这个错误.信息例如以下: ld: -pie can only be used when targeting iOS 4.2 or later clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 详细信息: export IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=4.1 export PATH="/Applications/Xc…
错误提示如图: error: No signing certificate "iOS Distribution" found: No "iOS Distribution" signing certificate matching team ID "YQL2NV3V7T" with a private key was found. (in target 'HelloWorld') ** ARCHIVE FAILED ** 从网上找到的答案大概都是这…
1.错误1:FIM在修改MA名字的时候报错: The management agent cannot be deleted or renamed because the working directory is in use. 可能的原因可能是“C:\Program Files\Microsoft Forefront Identity Manager\2010\Synchronization Service\MaData\<MA 对应的名字>”路径下: a.文件夹被占用(修改名称的时候,对应的…
2016/9/6补充 初始化报错: # /usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr/local/mysql/ --datadir=/data/mysqldb/ Installing MySQL system tables...2016-09-06 17:29:16 0 [Warning] TIMESTAMP with implicit DEFAULT value is deprecated. Plea…
一. pod的报错: 1. pod的容器无法启动报错: 报错信息: Normal SandboxChanged 4m9s (x12 over 5m18s) kubelet, k8sn1 Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created. Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 18s (x47 over 5m19s) kubelet, k8sn1 Failed create pod sandbox: rpc erro…
tabBar.list[2].selectedIconPath 文件不存在 很明显是文件名错了,定义的my-acive,少写了个t,眼睛出问题了~ module "static/vant/common/component" is not defined 引入有赞组件时候报错,ES6转ES5已经打开,最后发现是克隆之后复制dist下的文件时common没有复制过去造成 navigateTo:fail parameter error: parameter should be Object…
1.invalid new-expression of abstract class type ‘×××ב 这个报错代表一个尝试在实例化一个抽象类,也就是说父类的接口中有纯虚函数在子类中没有实现: 举例: //父类 class parent: { virtual ~parent(); ; }; //子类 class child: public parent { child(); ~child(); }; int main() { parent *test = new child(); }; 这…
打开zabbix web界面点击profile出现以下报错信息: scandir() has been disabled for security reasons [profile.php:198 → CView-> 解决: php环境中把scandir写在了disable_functions中.在php.ini文件把disable_functions中的scandir去掉即可. (重启php-fpm和nginx)…
记录自己在使用django开发过程中遇到的问题,不间断更新. (1) 独立运行普通Python脚本调用django中定义的类报错 报错信息: django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting DEFAULT_INDEX_TABLESPACE, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SE…