转:装完Centos7提示Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 在用U盘装完CentOS后,重新开机启动后显示: Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above ['q…
装完RHEL7后,重新开机启动后显示: 1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue | 'r' to refresh]: 解决方法: 输入"1",按Enter键 输入"2",按Enter键 输入…
在用U盘装完CentOS后,重新开机启动后显示: Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue | 'r' to refresh]: 解决方法: 输…
在用U盘装完CentOS后,重新开机启动后显示: Initial setup of CentOS Linux 7 (core) 1) [x] Creat user 2) [!] License information (no user will be created) (license not accepted) Please make your choice from above ['q' to quit | 'c' to continue | 'r' to refresh]: 解决方法: 输…
Ubuntu装完后要做的几件事 改hosts 无论哪里,改hosts都是第一件事,没hosts咋google.没google咋活.在终端输入命令 sudo gedit /etc/hosts在# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts这一行上面粘贴所需的hosts.然后上google搜胡萝卜,没有重置,DONE! chrome黑屏 多是由于显卡驱动所致,听说ubuntu下的n卡驱动有问题,所以暂时没装,没装的话就在设置-系统…