存储过程创建的语法: create or replace procedure 存储过程名(param1 in type,param2 out type) as 变量1 类型(值范围);变量2 类型(值范围); Begin Select count(*) into 变量1 from 表A where列名=param1: If (判断条件) then Select 列名 into 变量2 from 表A where列名=param1: Dbms_output.Put_line(‘打印信息’); El…
执行存储过程时,execute和call的区别 EXEC is a sqlplus command that put its argument as an anonymous pl/sql block: 'EXEC xxx' is transformed to 'BEGIN xxx; END;' So you can use it to call a procedure, or do any pl/sql It is documented here: http://download.oracle…