改进分析会计 分析会计层级结构 分析分配 分析分录增加了表格视图 ============== SPECIFICATIONS ============== a. Hierarchy - Create a new model : account.analytic.group, we just need to enter the name of the group - Add a menu entry : Analytic Account Groups : https://drive.go…
Odoo 仓库调拨过程中,有时候会碰见一下错误内容: The roundings of your Unit of Measures on the move vs. on the product don't allow to do these operations or you are not transferring the picking at once. 这个错误的提示莫名其妙,看起来好像是因为某个产品的单位设置的不对造成的,然而经过一番分析,才发现里面别有洞天.(在这里我忍不住还是要吐槽…