Home · Netflix/zuul Wiki https://github.com/Netflix/zuul/wiki Arthur Gonigberg edited this page on Mar 14 · 19 revisions What is Zuul? Zuul is the front door for all requests from devices and web sites to the backend of the Netflix streaming applic…
原文地址:http://techblog.netflix.com/2013/06/announcing-zuul-edge-service-in-cloud.html The Netflix streaming application is a complex array of intertwined systems that work together to seamlessly provide our customers a great experience. The Netflix A…
原文地址:http://techblog.netflix.com/2016/09/zuul-2-netflix-journey-to-asynchronous.html We recently made a major architectural change to Zuul, our cloud gateway. Did anyone even notice!? Probably not... Zuul 2 does the same thing that its predecessor d…
为什么需要 API 网关 在微服务架构之下,服务被拆的非常零散,降低了耦合度的同时也给服务的统一管理增加了难度.如上图左所示,在旧的服务治理体系之下,鉴权,限流,日志,监控等通用功能需要在每个服务中单独实现,这使得系统维护者没有一个全局的视图来统一管理这些功能.API 网关致力于解决的问题便是为微服务纳管这些通用的功能,在此基础上提高系统的可扩展性.如右图所示,微服务搭配上 API 网关,可以使得服务本身更专注于自己的领域,很好地对服务调用者和服务提供者做了隔离. 为什么是 Kong Sprin…