报错内容为: Content is not allowed in prolog. Nested exception: Content is not allowed in prolog. 网上所述总结来说就是 解析内容内包含BOM .这个标记是看不到的,流里面有这个标记而已. BOM:Byte Order Mark,中文名字节顺序标记.UCS规范建议在传输字节流前,先传输BOM来判断字节顺序. 其实UTF-8是不需要用BOM来表明字节顺序的,但是可以 用BOM来表明编码方式.BOM的UTF-8编码…
org.apache.jasper.JasperException:xxx.jsp(1,1) Page-encoding specified in XML prolog (UTF-8) is different from that specified in page directive (utf-8) 项目部署到机器上运行无错误,在打开网页的时候出现上述错误. 这个时候找到啊 xxx.jsp 把pageEncoding="utf-8" 改成 pageEncoding=&q…
Symbols in Prolog: atom variable number list (how to assembly and take them apart) Lists are very powerful in prolog because we do not need to do similar but repeatedtasks again and again. Instead, we can put all elements in a list and deal with th…
上个月突然看到Prolog这门语言,它特殊的语法吸引了我,但是经过我一段时间的学习,发现它也不像网络上传说的那样神奇,不过我依然对它很感兴趣,有前辈说Prolog本身并不强大,但是用来作为一门辅助语言解决一些特殊的问题还是很有效的,碰巧我是干C#的,就查了查怎样把Prolog跟C#结合起来,但是我百度出来的资料实在只能用稀少来形容.没办法只能Google了,话说老D的hosts文件挺好用的. 好在作为一名高级码农我也会一点English,思考了半天终于把how to use Prolog 这几个…
Prolog https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prolog Prolog is a general-purpose logic programming language associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics.[1][2][3] Prolog has its roots in first-order logic, a formal logic, and unlike m…
在执行 最后生成报告的 task 时,一直报下面这个错: TransformerException, Content is not allowed in prolog. 解决方法:需要修改jmeter.properties的一个配置 jmeter.save.saveservice.output_format=xml 再运行就可以正常生成报告了…