Django的log,主要是复用Python标准库中的logging模块,在settings.py中进行配置 源代码 1.__init__.py包含以下类: StreamHandler Formatter %(name)s Name of the logger (logging channel) %(levelno)s Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL) %(levelname…
检查django If Django is installed, you should see the version of your installation. If it isn’t, you’ll get an error telling “No module named django” python -m django --version 创建第一个Project 因为这是第一次使用Django,所以需要做一些初始化设置,需要自动生成一些code来建立项目.即包括数据库配置,Django…
i am not familiar with DB opertions. usually i stroe data to txt and other formats. as DB is more and more popular, i want to try it too. i have some knowledge about Django. the DB opertions in Django is very easy than the DB source code. so i decide…
1. Django admin源码中 from django.contrib import admin # Register your models here. 在admin源码中 # ACTION_CHECKBOX_NAME is unused, but should stay since its import from here # has been referenced in documentation. from django.contrib.admin.decorat…
HTTP请求协议 HTTP协议是Hyper Text Transfer Protocol(超文本传输协议)的缩写,是用于万维网(WWW:World Wide Web )服务器与本地浏览器之间传输超文本的传送协议.http协议是基于TCP/IP协议之上的应用层协议 请求协议: 请求方式: get与post请求 1. GET提交的数据会放在URL之后,以?分割URL和传输数据,参数之间以&相连,如EditBook?name=test1&id=123456. POST方法是把提交的数据放在HTT…
Django---Http协议简述和原理,HTTP请求码,HTTP请求格式和响应格式(重点),Django的安装与使用,Django项目的创建和运行(cmd和pycharm两种模式),Django的基础文件配置,Web框架的本质,服务器程序和应用程序(wsgiref服务端模块,jinja2模板渲染模块)的使用 一丶Http协议 http协议简介 超文本传输协议(hyper Text Transfer Protocol :HTTP),是一种用于分布式,协作式和超媒体信息系统的应用层协议…