[python]python 遍历一个list 的小例子: mlist=["aaa","bbb","ccc"]for ss in enumerate(mlist): print ss 验证一下运行结果: In [34]: mlist=["aaa","bbb","ccc"] In [35]: for ss in enumerate(mlist): ....: print ss ....:…
The Python Standard Library has a lot of modules! To help you get familiar with what's available, here are a selection of our favourite Python Standard Library modules and why we use them! csv: very convenient for reading and writing csv files collec…
英文原文:Charming Python: Functional programming in Python, Part 1 摘要:虽然人们总把Python当作过程化的,面向对象的语言,但是他实际上包含了函数化编程中,你需要的任何东西.这篇文章主要讨论函数化编程的一般概念,并说明用Python来函数化编程的技术. 我们最好从艰难的问题开始出发:“到底什么是函数化编程呢?”其中一个答案可能是这样的,函数化编程就是你在使用Lisp这样的语言时所做的(还有Scheme,Haskell,ML,OCAML…
1.安装python环境 1.1 安装python包管理器: wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py sudo python get-pip.py 1.2 安装python虚拟环境virtualenv virtualenvwrapper 首先说明下为什么要装这两个包: First, it's important to understand that a virtual environment is a special tool used to ke…